
Tieflings in The Empire When the Empire was formed and allies were saught it came as a shock to many that the Tieflings sided with the Empire.  The tieflings enjoyed a fairly decadent life and were said to be a favored race of Tatanye Lady of Fey.  The ambassador at the time was seen entering the throne room of Tatanye and upon leaving his face was ashen.  Shortly after the various Patriarchs of Tielfing Society convinced the people to side with the Empire.  If any still know what was said in that Throne room that day they are keeping it to themselves, but it must have been something of import.   Tielfing now lead a relatively mundane life in Broughton and try to stay as far away from the conflict and the Dynasty as possible.  Tielfings who show a desire to join the military are chastised by their peers and are taught from a young age never to get near the Dynasty.