Zigmund the Immortal

Rumors about Zigmund abound.  It does not help that it has been several decades since he made a public appearance.  For all intents he appears to be a human, but he has been alive for over 1,000 years.  Some say he was the first simic hybrid attempted by the elves and the experiment went awry.  Others say he is the son of one of the gods.  Still others say he is an all powerful wizard capable of staying death itself.  No matter what the rumor he has more than earned the title of the Immortal.  It is said when he fought in the first war the World itself trembled when he stuck a blow.  Feats of his strength are told to young children so they will eat their supper and become as strong as Zigmund one day.   His strong belief drives the Empire towards the eventual freedom of all the subjugated races.
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