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Ancient Draconic

As the native language of the Dragons, who themselves are considered to be the first race to have inhabited Taeva, Ancient Draconic (also known as "Izarum", or "First Tongue/Song") is considered to be the oldest known language in the world. While the Dragons themselves have largely withdrawn from the world, their language remains a subject of great interest to scholars and mages of all races and nations, with the Dragon-like Drakai in particular keeping the language alive as the language of the nobility and the clergy. In fact, in the current age, members of the Drakai nobility (especially the imperial family) are expected to use Ancient Draconic as their court language, and all of the most sacred texts and prayers within the Draceist faith are written/spoken in Ancient Draconic, ensuring that only the highest ranking members of the clergy are able to fully access and understand them.

Writing System

The Ancient Draconic writing system doesn't use letters or words in the conventional sense, instead using symbols that denote certain things or concepts, with some words consisting of two or more such symbols being combined together. Additionally, these symbols are drawn in solid lines and dashes, looking as though they were carved by claw.

Geographical Distribution

Ancient Draconic can be found throughout the world, often in ancient writings and inscriptions dating back to the earliest days of Taevas history, though it's most commonly practiced within the nation of Dranya, particularly the capital of Aman'nur (where it's spoken by the imperial family and resident nobility), as well as any especially significant sites to the Draceist faith (where its used by the highest ranked members of the clergy).


Ancient Draconic is often described as having a mix of "hard" and "soft" sounds. When spoken by Dragons, however, it's often described as sounding extremely gutteral, often to the point of being nearly incomprehensible.


53 Words.


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