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Located on the east coast of Imera, the kingdom of Athenor is one of the largest and most industrious of the human kingdoms. With it's access to several sources of iron in the northern reaches, as well as the tenacity and discipline of its people, Athenor has become famous for producing some of the best arms, armour, and soldiers among the human kingdoms. This, combined with its ready access to the Naitan Sea and strong relations with the Dwarves and Kobolds, has allowed Athenor to become one of the dominant powers among the human kingdoms, rivalling only Myrell to the west.


The people of Athenor value discipline, competency, and community. These traits have made the people of Athenor extremely dedicated workers, as well as excellent soldiers. While Athenorians may come across as stoic and difficult to approach to outsiders, there is a strong bond of community among them, with every Athenoran being willing and able to aid their fellows whenever and however they can.


Athenor has several mines within its territories, which supply the kingdom with a steady supply of iron for trade and domestic use. Athenor also has a large fleet, and access to the Naitan Sea for trading, travel, and resources.

Demography and Population

The population of Athenor is predominantly made up of humans, though members of other races (particularly Dwarves and Kobolds) aren't uncommon.


The kingdom of Athenor occupies most of eastern Imera, stopping just shy of the southern reaches of the Cenliath Mountains in the north and covering much of the east coast.


The nation of Athenor has a standard army with heavy and light infantry, cavalry, and missile units. Additionally, Athenor has some of the most advanced artillery among the human kingdoms, and a small part of the military has taken to domesticating gryphons for military use.

Technological Level

Athenor makes wide usage of Magitech, primarily for timekeeping, lighting, and industry.

Foreign Relations

While Athenor has fairly good relations with most of the other human kingdoms, they do have a rivalry with the kingdom of Ulfgard. Additionally, Athenor is on good terms with the Dwarf nation of Durfaehn, and maintains good relations with the local Kobold communities.

Agriculture & Industry

Athenors agriculture is mostly focused around its central and southern territories, and fishing is done all along the east coast. Additionally, Athenor has a strong mining industry.

Trade & Transport

Athenor does trade with other kingdoms is mainly done through the settlements along the border, as well as along the east coast and throughout the Naitan Sea. Athenor also has a network of stone roads connecting its settlements to one another, as well as several routes for sea transportation.


All Athenoran citizens are educated in schools local to their area. Education begins around 6 and ends at 18, with subjects including history, literature, and the sciences. Additionally, there are various colleges and universities for those who seek higher learning, and all Athenorans are encouraged to take part in an apprenticeship during their education.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Economic System
Market economy
Like many of the major nations of Taeva, the kingdom of Athenor uses the currency of Royals.
Major Exports
Among the human kingdoms, Athenor is one of the largest suppliers of iron and high quality armour and weapons.
Legislative Body
Both the current reigning monarch and the High Justice are responsible for writing the laws of the kingdom.
Judicial Body
It falls on the High Justice and other judges to uphold the law.
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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