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The Athran are the oldest surviving cultural group among the Drakai, and one of the most influential alongside the Drayeth. Predating even the Drayeth, many of the old traditions of the Athran have influenced a number of traits of Drakai culture, particularly their spirituality, and their descendants have been diligently working to preserve these traditions well into the current age. Despite generally living in remote communities apart from the rest of Drakai society, the Athran are still highly respected for their role in shaping the Drakai faith, with a number of their people going on to serve as Keepers.


Culture and cultural heritage

Not only do the Athrani share the reverance for the Dragons that's emblematic to the Drakai as a whole, it's believed that they were the originators of this cultural trait. As descendants of the original Drakai who served the Dragons during their rule over Taeva, the Athrani claim to hold an especially strong connection to their Draconic ancestors, with many of their traditions and rituals effectively serving as memorials to their creators. Compared to the Drayeth, whose veneration of the Dragons focuses mainly on personal honour and skill, the Athrani are more spiritual in their reverance, placing a greater emphasis on the relationship between Dragons and Drakai, and choosing to live in isolated communities in order to protect what they consider to be sacred places tied to their ancestors.

Besides their spiritual connection to the Dragons, the Athrani are also best known for their efforts to preserve the old traditions of the Drakai. While this is largely due to their respect for the old ways, it's also the result of their more remote environment compared to their Drayethi cousins, where such traditions are both more practical, and able to develop seperate from outside influence. This has made the Athrani a key source of information for those seeking knowledge about the history of the Drakai people, and played a vital role in the creation of the Keepers.

Average technological level

The Athrani make no use of Magitech in their communities, prefering to do things by more traditional means.

Common Etiquette rules

Respecting hospitality, as well as ones superiors/elders, are considered to be signs of proper etiquette among the Athrani.

Common Dress code

Athrani clothing is simple and utilitarian in design, typically made from natural materials, and is tougher and more insulated compared to the clothing of other Drakai.

Art & Architecture

Athrani structures are simple in design and mostly constructed from wood, and both their art and architecture (mainly consisting of woodcarved statues and engravings) use design elements evocative of Dragons.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Athrani cremate their dead, and every community has a memorial shrine (the precursor to the Lorestones of the Drayethi), with each family having a smaller personal shrine in their homes.


Beauty Ideals

The Athrani consider clean and well-maintained scales, a fit and healthy physique, and a respectful demeanor to be attractive traits.

Gender Ideals

Scholarly and spiritual roles among the Athrani are generally occupied by women, while men often fill the role of soldiers and hunters, though there are exceptions.

Courtship Ideals

It's commonly the man who initiates the courting, and both partners must recieve the blessing of each others families before they can be wed.

Relationship Ideals

The Athrani are monogamous, and children are typically raised by the parent of the same sex to follow in their footsteps.


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