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Avilusia (Ah-ve-loo-See-ah)

Avilusia is a Navalonian port city located on the southern coast of the island of Andarea. Thanks to its picturesque surroundings, including white sandy beaches, clear blue sea, and seaside cliffs, as well as the exotic goods that often pass through the city, Avilusia has developed a reputation for being one of the great resort settlements of Taeva. In the years since its initial founding, Avilusia has served as a prime vacation destination for many individuals of all walks of life, with some wealthy visitors even maintaining vacation residences in the surrounding area they can periodically return to.


While the population of Avilusia mainly consists of Humans of Navalonian descent, it also constantly draws in visitors from members of other races. The cities primary industries include merchantry, shipbuilding, entertainment, and hospitality.


Avilusia is overseen by the local governor, who answers to the Navalonian monarchy. All taxes collected within the city are put towards maintaining its infrastructure, particularly anything to do with its trade and entertainment industries.


Avilusia has a stone wall facing mainly inland, as well as a small fleet of ships capable of defending against from the sea.

Industry & Trade

Like many of the major settlements of Navalonia, Avilusia has an extensive naval trade network with mainland Imera and Vraelia. Most notably, it's often through the port of Avilusia that goods from the jungles of Xaexl, such as fruits and precious stones, enter the northern lands, contributing greatly to its wealth.


Avilusia has a network of stone roads running throuout the city, as well as well-maintained dirt roads leading towards theproperties outside the city. Additionally, there's a large harbour and shipyard for maintaining docked ships, a square and marketplace for conducting business and hosting events, as well as theatres and galleries for entertaining viitors and residents alike.


Ivory District

Named for the white stone and blue tiled roofs of its buildings, the Ivory District is the residential district of Avilusia. This district contains homes for citizens of almost every walk of life, from simple homes to sprawling mansions, and provides easy access to the Market District, Entertainment District, and the nearby beach outside of the city.


Market District

  The commercial hub of the city, it's here where citizens can purchase goods, as well as where the cities taverns and eateries are located.


Harbour District

  The entry point for both visitors to the city and trade goods passing through.


Entertainment District

One of the biggest centres of activity within the city, this district contains a number of theatres and galleries, and is well knonw for its vibrant night life.


Avilusia has numerous trade connections throughout Imera and Vraelia, most notably the settlements bordering the Xaexl jungles, as well as a small fleet of ships for trade and security.

Guilds and Factions

The Naitan Merchants Guild: Also known as the Naitan Trading Company, the Naitan Merchants Guild is one of the most influential groups in the Naitan Sea, with holdings in nearly every settlement established in or around it. Originating from the Myrian city of Carran, the guild has since expanded to a number of Navalonian settlements, due to the prominent role the kingdom plays in trade throughout the Naitan Sea. The guild has a particular interest in Avilusia, due to the many clients that pass through it, as well as being the first Imeran city to recieve the often exotic goods originating from southern Vraelia.

Points of interest

The Ivory Coast: Named for its almost pure white sands, the Ivory Coast is a long beach to the south of Avilusia. When not enjoying the amenities of the city itself or staying at a personal holiday residence, visitors to Avilusia can often be found here, drawn in by the picturesque landscape of the beach.


Avilusia sees a number of visitors from throughout eastern Imera, as well as other lands, ranging from merchants and diplomats, to artists, entertainers, and sightseers.


The buildings of Avilusia are built from wood and stone with sloped, tiles roofs.


Avilusia sits on the southern coast of Andarea, with white sand beaches to its south, cliffs to its east and west, and hills to its north.

Natural Resources

Thanks to its seaside location, Avilusia has access to a number of fish, mollusks, and other marine wildlife.
Owning Organization


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