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Bone Eaters

Bone Eaters are a species of carrion bird commonly found within the deserts and craggy mountains of central and eastern Vraelia. While not dangerous, many still feel revulsion for these creatures, on acount of their carrion-based diet and ghoulish appearance.

Basic Information


Bone Eaters possess traits of hawks and vultures, with taloned feet, large wings, tail feathers, and an elongated neck ending in a beaked head, both of which are bare save for a crest of feathers running from the top of their head to the base of their neck.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bone Eaters are an egg-laying species.

Ecology and Habitats

Bone Eaters are commonly found in dry areas, with a preference for habitats with long stretches of flat land, or high vantage points. While repulsive, their carrion-based diet is acknowledged to mitigate the dangers posed by disease and/or invasive predators.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bone Eaters are carnivorous birds, with their diet largely consisting of carrion (their name comes from their habit of cracking open bones to get at the marrow within). They are typically opportunistic scavengers, often picking at the leftovers of other predators. Additionally, Bone Eaters tend to be most active around dawn and dusk, with their dark feathers and skin allowing them to blend in with the low light.


Bone Eaters tend to frequent the hunting grounds of other predators, circling above while waiting for an opportunity to descend and feed.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Bone Eaters have featherless heads and necks, with the exception of a crest of dark feathers running from the top of their head to the base of their neck. They also have black eyes and beaks, and their heads are typically described as "skull-like".

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Bone Eaters are native to the crags and canyons of central and eastern Vraelia.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Bone Eaters have a keen sense of sight and smell. They also produce a low, croaking call when communicating with others of their kind, or trying to scare off competition.
30 years
Average Height
40 inches
Average Weight
1.3 metre wingspan
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Bone Eaters have dark feathers and grey skin.


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