Emerald Bloom Species in Taeva | World Anvil
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Emerald Bloom

Commonly found in forests and near rivers and ponds, the Emerald Bloom is a species of flower renowned for its many medical benefits.According to legend, these flowers were blessed by Vysora, a Prime Dragon often associated with nature and health, hence their green petals and healing properties. While the flower can be taken on its own, as it was back in the old days, it works best when combined with other healing plants, usually in the form of potions. Today, Emerald Blooms are a common but valuable commodity, especially among potion makers and doctors, and is a valuable part of modern medicine.

Basic Information


Emerald Blooms have a short stem, and have six emerald green petals (hence their name), darker green center. Emerald Blooms also tend to grow in clumps of 5-7.

Genetics and Reproduction

Emerald Blooms, like most species of flower, require the aid of other creatures, such as insects, to pollinate each other and spread their seeds.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes about three months for an Emerald Bloom to grow from a seed to a bud to a full bloom.

Ecology and Habitats

Emerald blooms grow best in wooded areas, especially near bodies of water.

Biological Cycle

When exposed to cold temperatures, Emerald Blooms go into a dormant state, where they don't grow or bloom until the temperature gets warm again.

Additional Information


While Emerald Blooms are typically found in forests, they can be grown in alchemical gardens as well, provided they're given good soil, warm temperatures, and enough water.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Emerald Blooms are a key ingredient in many types of medicine, including healing potions.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Emerald Blooms are found in forests all throughout Ferria.
3-4 weeks
Conservation Status
Due to its use as a key ingredient in many medicines, great care is taken in ensuring that the Emerald Bloom has a steady population.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Emerald Blooms, as their name suggests, have emerald green petals.


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