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Freeport is a large colony located withing the jungles of southern Vraelia, along the east coast. Originally beginning life as an outpost for early expeditions into this largely uncharted part of the world, Freeport has since grown into a bustling settlement in its own right, aided by the wealth of resources in the region and the tenacity of the Freeramblers who call it home. In the years since its founding, Freeport has become a haven for those venturing into the wilder lands surrounding it, from explorers, to scholars, to adventurers.


Freeport is largely populated by Humans, with the subculture known as the Freeramblers forming the dominant culture. Among its industries, fishing and trading are the two most widely practised occupations, with mining and logging following behind.


Freeport is run by a Governor, who also manages the other smaller colonies in the region, with elections held every five years. Any taxes collected within the town are put towards maintaining the harbour and infrastructure, particularly anything that protects the town from the wet and humid environment it occupies.


Freeport is surrounded by a stone wall, in order to keep out wild beasts and other threats. It's also defended by the local militia, who fill the role of City Guards when not dealing with outside threats.

Industry & Trade

Much of Freeports industry is centered around its naval trade, being the primary exporter of goods found within southern Vraelia (in particular, they are best known for supplying many of the fruits enjoyed by the human nations of the north). The settlement also has a number of businesses geared towards supplying and guiding expeditions into the wider jungles beyond its walls.


Freeport has a large harbour and shipyard to facilitate naval trade and travel between themselves and the nations to the north, as well as storehouses for storing various goods. Additionally, Freeport has a network of stone roads running throughout the settlement, as well as connecting it to the smaller settlements and outposts in the region, with maintenance of these roads being considered vital to their continued prosperity.


The two greatest assets of Freeport are its harbour, which facilitates trade and travel between the settlement and the human nations to the north, and the marketplace, where goods from the local region and abroad are traded.


The architecture of Freeport borrows heavily from Navalonian architecture, with brick buildings and tiled roofes.


Freeport is built along a coastline, with the sea to its east, a somewhat rocky shore around it, and the jungle just to the west.


Due to being located within a large jungle, the climate around Freeport is generally humid.

Natural Resources

The citizens of Freeport can get fish from the nearby sea and fruits and wood from the trees.
Large town


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