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Leon Grayson

Leon Grayson

Leon is a Human bard and storyteller, and a former member of the adventuring group known as Scions of the Wandering Gale. Best known for his love of adventure and a good story, he was responsible for recording and sharing many of the exploits of his party, albeit with a few minor embellisments.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Leon has an average physique, though he is a bit more on the slim side.

Facial Features

Leon has slightly sharper features, and a light amount of facial hair.

Special abilities

Leon is skilled in the usage of Bardic Magic (a form of magic that's more akin to a performance than typical spellcasting), with a particular focus on wind and water magic, as well as magics that help him support his allies.

Apparel & Accessories

Leons clothes are of fine make, and consist of a shirt, trousers, and boots. His most distinctive piece of apparel, however, would have to be his hat, which has a wide brim and a feather stuck through it. This hat was woven from the magical material known as Manaweave, and is enchanted to both protect him from the effects of charming magics, as well as bolster his own spellcasting (particularly any effects that relate to presence).

Specialized Equipment

Leons most famous item is Aqua, a lute of fine make with a design evocative of flowing water, which serves as the focus through which he casts his spells. He also has a simple rapier for more up close encounters, which he chose for its light weight and manueverability.

Mental characteristics


Leon recieved a typical education growing up, eventually focusing his studies on lore and music. Additionally, he recieved training in the magical arts once his talents for Bardic Magic began to surface.


Before joining the , Leon spent much of his time performing for coin in public places, mostly focused on playing music.

Intellectual Characteristics

Leon has a creative mind, and is known for being able to find inspiration in nearly every situation, as well as his "outside-the-box" thinking.

Morality & Philosophy

Leon strongly believes in freedom of expression, and in seeing and protecting the beauty of the world.

Personality Characteristics


Leon wishes to seek out great stories he can share with others, and to protect the beautiful places and things of the world from those who would despoil them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Leon is skilled in the art of Bardic Magic, is a keen musician, and is often very charismatic, a skill he's used for both persuasion and encouragement. However, his carefree attitude often means he has trouble taking most things seriously.

Likes & Dislikes

    Likes:DislikesGood musicPeople who can't appreciate artGood storiesHis companionsHis hat and luteThe sea

Virtues & Personality perks

Leon has a generally positive outlook on life, and is always open to new experiences.

Vices & Personality flaws

By his own admission, Leon has difficulty saying no to a pretty face, and his lackadisical attitude often leads him to underestimating the severity of a given situation.


Social Aptitude

Leon has a personable, laidback demeanor, and his charisma often makes him the "face" of the party when navigating social interactions.


Leon has a very casual manner of speaking.

Wealth & Financial state

Leon has a modest amount of wealth.
Date of Birth
27th of Fields Bloom, 1398 CA
Short, messy, dirty blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


Author's Notes

This is a rough base forthe character, and will be subject to change in the future.

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