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Lumenite is a rare material created and used by various light aligned factions throughout Taeva, most notably te Wardens of the Radiant Shield and the Church of the Radiant Saints. Forged from Ithyrian Silver imbued with Light-aligned Divine Magic, Luminite has become known for its light weight, toughness, and enhanced ability to channel light magic (divine and arcane), as well as its resilience to decay from both mundane and magical sources, particularly necromancy and Malice. It's thanks to these qualities, as well as the skill and time required to create it, that have made Lumenite such a highly valued material, reserved only for the forging of the most significant of light-aligned artifacts.


Material Characteristics

Lumenite has a smooth, metallic sheen to it, and is silvery-white in colour.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Lumenite has the same hardness and light weight as Ithyrian Silver, and is especially good at channeling light-based magic, both divine and arcane. Additionally, due to the usage of Divine Light Magic in its creation, Lumenite not only never rusts, but is also almost completely immune to curropting magical effects, particularly those originating from Necromancy or Malice, and is particularly effective at dispelling such magics.

Origin & Source

Lumenite is created from Ithyrian Silver, a metal known for its ability to conduct magic better than any other.

History & Usage


While the exact origins of Lumenite remain shrouded in myth, it's commonly believed that it originated from items that were blessed by early Lightbearer Clerics.

Everyday use

Due to its rarity, Lumenite is used exclusively for forging significant items for light-aligned factions, with the most well known being the arms and armaments of high ranking Paladins and Clerics.

Cultural Significance and Usage

It's said that many of the most significant artifacts in the possession of the Radiant Church were forged from Lumenite.



Lumenite is typically kept in the vaults of the various keeps under the control of the Wardens of the Radiant Shield, though some of the largest and most influential of the Radiant Churches temples have some stockpiles of their own.
Lumenite has a silvery white colour
Common State


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