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  "...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind..."   Tranlsation: snw̋ll ʁy̋ cláchfa ʦeen ʁí sdően snw̋ll ʁy̋ chifa ʦe̋s plw̋g lli̋ a̋ngen   Pronunciation: snuː̋ɬ ʁɨ̋ ˈkláχva ʦeːˈen ʁí sdɔ̋ˈen snuː̋ɬ ʁɨ̋ χiːˈva ʦeː̋s pluː̋g ɬiː̋ ˈa̋ŋen   Narrow pronunciation: [snuː̋ɬ ʁɨ̋ ˈkcáχva ʦeːˈen ʁí sdɔ̋ˈen snuː̋ɬ ʁɨ̋ χiːˈva ʦeː̋s pcuː̋g ɬiː̋ ˈa̋ŋen]   Brhyttarigog word order: and hat his holding he stood and his face wet to the wind turned  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b c d f g h j k l m n n̥ p r r̥ s t v w z ð ŋ ɬ ʁ ʃ ʔ ʦ θ χ/  
Nasalmn n̥ŋ
Stopp bt dck gʔ
Fricativef vθ ðs zʃχ ʁh
Trillr r̥
Lateral fricativeɬ
Lateral approximantl
  Co-articulated phonemes  
  Vowel inventory: /a ai au aɨ aː ei eɨ eː i iː oː u uː ɔ ɔi ɔɨ ə əu ɛ ɛu ɨ ɨu ɨː ɪ ɪu ʊ ʊɨ/   Diphthongs: ai, au, aɨ, ei, eɨ, ɔi, ɔɨ, əu, ɛu, ɨu, ɪu, ʊɨ   Tones: ̋ ́  
Highi iːɨ ɨːu uː
Lowa aː
  Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: No fixed stress
Word initial consonants: b, cth, d, dr, f, g, gth, h, j, k, kl, l, m, n, nt, n̥, p, pl, r, rn, r̥, s, sd, sn, t, tr, v, w, ð, ɬ, ʁ, ʃ, ʔ, ʦ, θ, θj, χ Mid-word consonants: b, d, dl, dr, g, gl, gs, h, l, m, ml, mr, ms, n, nr̥, nt, nw, r, rb, rd, rv, rw, rɬ, sg, tbl, v, vj, vl, vn, ð, ðj, ŋ, ɬ, θ, χ, χr
Word final consonants: b, d, g, k, l, ld, m, mk, mn, mʁ, mʔ, mʦ, n, nd, nt, nχʁ, r, rs, rθ, s, sg, sχ, t, tʁ, v, vn, vr, vχ, zd, ð, ŋ, ɬ, ʃl, ʃp, θ, χ, χn, χt   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • h → it / _e
  • s → sth / _a
  • l → c
  Spelling rules:  


  Main word order: Object (Prepositional phrase) Subject Verb.
"Mary opened the door with a key" turns into The door with a key Mary opened.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun.
Adposition: prepositions  


  Nouns have seven cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipeint of something: man gives ball to dog.
  • Locative is the location of something: man goes to town.
  • Ablative is movement away from something: man walks from town.
  • Instrumental is the use of something: man writes with (using) pen.
NominativeNo affix la̋fa /la̋ˈva/ [ca̋ˈva] dog (doing the verb)
AccusativeIf ends with vowel: Suffix -s Else: Suffix -ɛ̋s la̋fas /la̋ˈvas/ [ca̋ˈvas] (verb done to) dog
GenitiveSuffix -ə́ la̋faý /ˈla̋vaə́/ [ca̋ˈvaə́] dogʼs
DativeIf ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -űm la̋fam /ˈla̋vam/ [ˈca̋vam] to (the/a) dog
LocativeIf ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -uː̋k la̋fac /ˈla̋vak/ [ˈca̋vak] near/at/by (the/a) dog
AblativeIf ends with vowel: Suffix -nt Else: Suffix -ɔ́nt la̋fant /ˈla̋vant/ [ˈca̋vant] from (the/a) dog
InstrumentalSuffix -űm la̋faűm /la̋ˈvaűm/ [ˈca̋vaűm] with/using (the/a) dog


MasculineSuffix -űɬ ʦífaűll /ʦíˈvaűɬ/ the man If ends with vowel: Suffix -nd Else: Suffix -ánd ʦífand /ˈʦívand/ the men
FeminineIf ends with vowel: Suffix -s Else: Suffix -ɛ́s clűalés /ˈklűalɛ́s/ [kcűˈacɛ́s] the woman If ends with vowel: Suffix -nd Else: Suffix -a̋nd clűala̋nd /ˈklűala̋nd/ [kcűˈaca̋nd] the women
NeuterSuffix -i̋ la̋fai̋ /ˈla̋vai̋/ [ca̋ˈvai̋] the dog If ends with vowel: Suffix -t Else: Suffix -ə́t la̋fat /la̋ˈvat/ [ca̋ˈvat] the dogs


MasculineIf ends with vowel: Suffix -b Else: Suffix -íb ʦífab /ˈʦívab/ a man Suffix -a̋n ʦífaa̋n /ʦíˈvaa̋n/ some men
FeminineSuffix -a̋t clűala̋t /klűˈala̋t/ [ˈkcűaca̋t] a woman Suffix -i̋n clűali̋n /klűˈali̋n/ [ˈkcűaci̋n] some women
NeuterIf ends with vowel: Suffix -rθ Else: Suffix -iː́rθ la̋farth /la̋ˈvarθ/ [ca̋ˈvarθ] a dog If ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -ɛ́k la̋fac /ˈla̋vak/ [ˈca̋vak] some dogs


  Brhyttarigog encodes definite article ‘the’, and indefinite article ‘a’ in noun affixes. See Noun section.  


1st singularʦú /ʦú/ I ʦi̋ /ʦi̋/ me i̋rth /i̋rθ/ mine ʦi̋ /ʦɪ̋/ to me rna̋ /rna̋/ at me chi̋r /χi̋r/ from me cléchn /klɛ́χn/ [kcɛ́χn] with/using me
2nd singularsdél /sdɛ́l/ [sdɛ́c] you (masc) sdí /sdiː́/ you ʁi̋ /ʁi̋/ yours ʁín /ʁín/ to you la̋c /la̋k/ [ca̋k] at you ʦé /ʦeː́/ from you húb /húb/ with/using you
3rd singular mascʁí /ʁí/ he chi̋rs /χi̋rs/ him ʦa̋ /ʦa̋/ his wa̋ /wa̋/ to him chá /χá/ at him chí /χí/ from him plý /plɨː́/ [pcɨː́] with/using him
3rd singular fem /ɛ̋/ she ʦé /ʦɛ́/ her ʁai̋m /ʁai̋m/ hers ʦẃd /ʦuː́d/ to her őg /ɔ̋g/ at her che̋ /χɛ̋/ from her /á/ with/using her
3rd singular neutʁa̋ /ʁa̋/ it thá /θaː́/ it cthű /cthű/ its /í/ to it cla̋l /kla̋l/ [kca̋c] at it fó /vɔ́/ from it sne̋ /sneː̋/ with/using it
1st pluralʦe̋c /ʦɛ̋k/ we plő /ploː̋/ [pcoː̋] us pí /pí/ ours ií /jí/ to us cla̋ /klaː̋/ [kcaː̋] at us pi̋t /pi̋t/ from us ʦí /ʦí/ with/using us
2nd pluralʦá /ʦá/ you all rőg /rɔ̋g/ you all chó /χɔ́/ yours (pl) rhẃm /r̥uː́m/ to you all ʦím /ʦím/ at you all chi̋c /χi̋k/ from you all cla̋m /kla̋m/ [kca̋m] with/using you all
3rd plural mascfoy̋f /vɔɨ̋v/ they (masc) ʁé /ʁeː́/ them (masc) plw̋sip /pluː̋ʃp/ [pcuː̋ʃp] theirs (masc) cha̋ /χaː̋/ to them (masc) chí /χiː́/ at them (masc) ʁai̋ /ʁai̋/ from them (masc) ʦy̋c /ʦə̋k/ with/using them (masc)
3rd plural femhú /hú/ they (fem) cha̋ /χa̋/ them (fem) snýn /snə́n/ theirs (fem) wi̋n /wi̋n/ to them (fem) úr /úr/ at them (fem) /ɔ́/ from them (fem) thií /θjɪ́/ with/using them (fem)
3rd plural neutrni̋ /rni̋/ they (neut) thiý /θjɨː́/ them (neut) chy̋m /χə̋m/ theirs (neut) ʦíc /ʦík/ to them (neut) /i̋/ at them (neut) /ű/ from them (neut) rní /rní/ with/using them (neut)

Possessive determiners

1st singularchi̋ /χi̋/ my
2nd singularʦa̋ /ʦaː̋/ your
3rd singular mascʁy̋ /ʁɨ̋/ his
3rd singular femʁoi̋dd /ʁɔi̋ð/ her
3rd singular neutʦa̋b /ʦa̋b/ its
1st plural /ɔ́/ our
2nd plural /a̋/ your (pl)
3rd plural mascsdónt /sdɔ́nt/ their (masc)
3rd plural femsny̋d /snə̋d/ their (fem)
3rd plural neut /i̋/ their (neut)


1st singularIf ends with vowel: Suffix -l Else: Suffix -a̋l chángena̋l /χáˈŋena̋l/ [ˈχáŋena̋c] (I) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -iː́k chángeníc /ˈχáŋeniː́k/ (I) learned
2nd singularSuffix -át chángenát /ˈχáŋenát/ (you) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -t Else: Suffix -eː̋t chángene̋t /ˈχáŋeneː̋t/ (you) learned
3rd singular mascSuffix -ɛ́s chángenés /ˈχáŋenɛ́s/ (he) learns If ends with vowel: Suffix -g Else: Suffix -ɔ́g chángenóg /ˈχáŋenɔ́g/ (he) learned
3rd singular femIf ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -a̋n chángena̋n /ˈχáŋena̋n/ (she) learns Suffix -ɛ̋n chángene̋n /χáˈŋenɛ̋n/ (she) learned
3rd singular neutIf ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ɔ́m chángenóm /ˈχáŋenɔ́m/ (it) learns Suffix -ű chángenű /χáˈŋenű/ (it) learned
1st pluralSuffix -űm chángenűm /ˈχáŋenűm/ (we) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -oː́k chángenóc /ˈχáŋenoː́k/ (we) learned
2nd pluralSuffix -írθ chángenírth /ˈχáŋenírθ/ (you all) learn Suffix -űk chángenűc /χáˈŋenűk/ (you all) learned
3rd plural mascSuffix -ɔ̋m chángenőm /ˈχáŋenɔ̋m/ (they) learn If ends with vowel: Suffix -g Else: Suffix -ɔ̋g chángenőg /ˈχáŋenɔ̋g/ (they) learned
3rd plural femSuffix -ə́v chángenýf /χáˈŋenə́v/ (they) learn Suffix -i̋ chángeni̋ /ˈχáŋeni̋/ (they) learned
3rd plural neutIf ends with vowel: Suffix -mʦ Else: Suffix -eː́mʦ chángenémʦ /ˈχáŋeneː́mʦ/ (they) learn Suffix -aː́ chángená /ˈχáŋenaː́/ (they) learned
  Brhyttarigog uses a standalone particle word for future tense:
FutureParticle before the verb: θjɪ̋ - thii̋ chángen /θjɪ̋ χáˈŋen/ will learn
  Progressive aspect   The ‘progressive’ aspect refers to actions that are happening at the time of speaking, such as I am learning.   Brhyttarigog uses a standalone particle word for progressive:  
ProgressiveParticle before the verb: gthoː̋ - gthő chángen /gthoː̋ ˈχáŋen/ is learning
  Habitual aspect   The ‘habitual’ aspect refers to actions that happen habitually, such as I learn (something new every day), as opposed to actions that happen once (I learned something).   Brhyttarigog uses a standalone particle word for habitual:
HabitualParticle before the verb: ím - ím chángen /ím ˈχáŋen/ learns
  Perfect aspect   The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.   Brhyttarigog uses the word for ‘finish’ a̋fígfal for the perfect aspect.  


  Brhyttarigog has a base-10 number system:   1 - ʁý
2 - ín
3 - i̋g
4 - cli̋
5 - snásg
6 - ʦó
7 - ʁy̋l
8 - ʦi̋
9 - é
10 - chi̋c
11 - chi̋c snw̋ll ʁý “ten and one”
100 - ʁý ʁi̋n “one hundred”
101 - ʁý ʁi̋n ʁý “one hundred one”
200 - ín ʁi̋n
1000 - ʁý íní “one thousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix ham-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Prefix hae-
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Suffix -val
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Suffix -ɔɨ̋
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Suffix -heb
Noun to verb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -i̋m
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Suffix -nap
Tending to = Prefix na-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix e-
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -a̋n
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Suffix -huut
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Suffix -a̋
Diminutive = Suffix -is Augmentative = Suffix -his


4481 Words.


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