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POPULATION: 1.6M   CITIES: Nementi, Chiture, Havegeness   TOWNS: Chence, Votix, Dequice, Cobras, Ifixe, Forelan, Brunco   VILLAGES: Conthron, Grunde, Therso, Cecitail, Dessnes, Barrieldo, Bewishak  
  Eastward in the great province of Exivi, beyond the horizon where the sun rises, resides the glorious territory of Chorese. As a beacon of light, it is the locus of enlightenment within the Uvan Empire. Home to the cities of Nementi, Chiture, and Havegeness, Chorese is where knowledge takes its finest form.   The esteemed city of Nementi is the heart of knowledge, boasting the Grand Library of the Weaver. The edifice stands tall, casting its monumental shadow across the cityscape, a tribute to the Empire's commitment to knowledge and wisdom. Scholars from across the Uvan Empire and beyond seek the wisdom stored within its walls, knowledge that fuels the Empire's ceaseless progress.   Chiture, too, is a city that breathes knowledge. This scholarly city is the birthplace of some of the Empire's most esteemed thinkers, men and women whose intellect serves the Uvan Empire and strengthens the Web of the Weaver. Scholars tirelessly labor over texts and manuscripts, their work an embodiment of the Empire's relentless pursuit of progress.   Havegeness, the crown jewel of Chorese, is home to the Great University of the Weaver. Here, young minds are shaped, fortified by the wisdom of the ages and the guidance of experienced scholars. It is here that the next generation of thinkers and leaders is forged, their minds sharp and their loyalty unyielding.   In Chorese, every citizen is an active participant in the Empire's quest for enlightenment. In the Empire's grand tapestry, Chorese's thread shines bright, its vibrant hue a testament to the power of knowledge. Each book, each scholar, and each citizen contributes to the strength of the Uvan Empire. Long live the Uvan Empire! Long live The Weaver of Webs!


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