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POPULATION: 1M   CAPITAL: Kholaunka   CITIES: Somemoi, Meomnishipit   TOWNS: Okerickyo, Dicablon, Parruphoram, Nistarilos, Felega Ammaynkness, Audisappo   VILLAGES: Diagsimu, Domechy, Bansis, Emakabi, Lumiblar, Elsoinqua, Neilsemo, Nateradhel  
  The Royal Realm of Dalexcai is an entity that clings to the vestiges of royal splendour, despite the fact that its governing body, the Naolgāsāin, were once mere warlords. They usurped power from the Oxhʦōsh, Oralt's true nobility, yet carefully mimicked their regal trappings to ease their subjects' transition into this new order of rule. Oraltians, the old guard, are often heard jesting that these rulers still resemble Thanywa, Sasquatch-like beings from folk tales, albeit in opulent silken gowns.   The Naolgāsāin, ambitious as they were, set up their new capital at Kholaunka, a city whose atmosphere is always charged with a sense of a delicate balance. It is a city of complex hierarchies, intricate protocols, and martial power thinly veiled behind courtly rituals. The architecture borrows heavily from its military roots, with fortified walls, watchtowers, and strategic entrances, yet all executed with an elegance that betrays their desire for royal acceptance.   In contrast, Meomnishipit, the erstwhile capital under Oxhʦōsh rule, is a city steeped in tradition, bearing echoes of a bygone era. The Naolgāsāin work twice as hard here to keep the old loyalties at bay, presenting a constant facade of benevolent leadership.   The city of Somemoi presents a different picture altogether: It stands as a beacon of progress, not entirely by its own choice, but due to the pervasive influence of the Uvan Empire. The Uvan's diplomatic overtures towards the Naolgāsāin, filled with superficial courtesies, mask their underlying intention of expansion.   In a controversial move, the royal rulers, pressured by the Uvan's relentless advance, began secretly aiding in the movement of Uvan slaves across the continent. While this decision was contentious among the population, the influx of unpaid labour has undeniably improved living conditions for the middle class and above. Fewer menial jobs and a seemingly enhanced lifestyle have left many in the moral quandary of benefiting from a system they inherently object to.
Royal Family of Naolgāsāin


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