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Daughters of the Dawn


  The Daughters of the Dawn are a powerful and influential group of women in the nation of Relig, revered for their prophetic dreams and ability to predict the outcomes of significant events. Their lineage dates back several centuries to the founding of the city of Yeark, the heart of the nation and the traditional seat of the Daughters.   Historical records suggest that their powers first manifested in a group of priestesses serving at the Shrine of Veridessa, the Goddess of Dawn and Prophecy. These women began to experience vivid dreams that accurately foretold future events within their region. Over time, the priestesses' reputation grew, eventually culminating in the establishment of the Daughters of the Dawn.  
by midjourney

Unique Abilities

  While the Daughters' powers are often likened to the Temporomancy of The Aurimbic Tradition, they are unique in several key ways. Unlike the Aurimbics who study The Pattern, the Daughters cannot directly perceive this grand tapestry of time. However, their dreams offer a degree of foresight and control beyond what is commonly experienced by The Seers, much to the latter's confusion and chagrin.   The Daughters' dreams are largely limited to a narrow semantic domain, however, often concerning events linked to birth, nurturing, and community – traditionally associated with matriarchal values in Relig's culture. Why these gifts appear only in women and only within Relig's borders remains a mystery. Some speculate a divine blessing from Veridessa herself, while others propose a unique interplay of local ley lines.  

Becoming a Daughter

  The path to becoming a Daughter of the Dawn is not one that can be chosen. It is a destiny revealed in a prophetic dream itself. When a girl or woman in Relig experiences such a dream, it is taken as a divine signal of her potential. After her dream is validated by existing members, she is invited to join the order. There is no age requirement, and the chosen come from all walks of life, from the bustling streets of Cuoublude to the quiet corners of Gruhandis.  

Role in Society

  Membership in the Daughters does not preclude participation in civic life. Indeed, many Daughters maintain their day-to-day responsibilities, and some even hold positions of influence in their communities. However, their affiliation to the order is always foremost, lending them an aura of respect and authority. From presiding over birth ceremonies in Stularin to resolving disputes in Dingf, the Daughters' input is frequently sought and deeply valued.   The Daughters' influence extends beyond their own nation. While they have resisted absorption into the Aurimbic Tradition despite pressure from The Council of Landezon, they engage in dialogues with other magical traditions, affirming their place in the world's mystical landscape, standing as a testament to the diverse expressions of magical power across the world. Their story is as much a part of the fabric of Relig as the ancient cobblestones of Yeark, a heritage that continues to guide their people through the dawning light of each new day.  
by midjourney


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