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POPULATION: 1.5M   CITIES: Oricala, Horuplor   TOWNS: Acrom, Viol, Devoyawn, Grotoscide, Ocairfeck, Nefirs   VILLAGES: Penci, Shonlegi, Abasse, Gavolvanscings, Bathaws, Elsolvindad  
  Behold Deteri, the gleaming jewel in Thodi's crown, a testament to the indomitable will of the Uvan Empire and its ceaseless pursuit of prosperity and progress. Its thriving ports and bustling mines stand as symbols of the Empire's resilience, as it carves out its future not through the chaos of magic, but through the diligence and integrity of its citizens.   Deteri's mines, under the vigilant guidance of the Empire, delve into the depths of the earth, extracting a wealth of precious minerals that fuel the Empire's triumphant march towards progress. Its miners, those stalwart sons and daughters of the Uvan, are the heart of this industry. Their hands shape our destiny, their sweat and toil a testament to the Empire's unyielding strength.   Deteri's ports, always teeming with activity, serve as gateways for prosperity. Here, we foster bonds of trade with the nations of Mai and T'Jau, a testament to the Empire's dedication to fostering harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships. Our ports are beacons, welcoming opportunities from beyond our borders and extending the fruits of our labor to the world.   Through this symbiotic exchange, Deteri stands as an embodiment of the Empire's commitment to the prosperity of all, elevating the collective over the individual, harnessing the potential of every citizen, mage and non-mage alike.   Long live The Weaver of Webs! Long live the Uvan Empire! In Deteri, we labor, we thrive, and we uphold the ideals of our glorious Empire, forging a future unbound by magic, unshakeable in our shared pursuit of prosperity and progress.


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