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Eolan Fael

Meet Eolan Fael, a man of middle years with dreams too big for his magical talents.   Eolan was born to a family of gifted mages in the heart of Draksineon. Encouraged by the magical heritage in his bloodline, he joined The Berythian Tradition, drawn to the intricate knowledge of elemental magic. Despite his best efforts, Eolan struggled to grasp the complexities of the tradition. His abilities fell woefully short of his peers, leaving him in the dust despite his best efforts.   It was a heartbreaking reality, and he was soon asked to leave the Tradition. The public humiliation was too much for him, and Eolan turned to the Order of the Unravelling Mind, a fringe group of wizards operating outside of Council sanction, focusing on psychedelic enlightenment. Eolan hoped that by exploring the expansive potential of the mind, he might find a new avenue for his magical gifts.   While not as well-regarded as the more formal traditions, Eolan found the Order's teachings more agreeable, a mix of dreamy philosophy and vivid, psychedelic magic. The group's lack of structure and freewheeling nature appealed to him, and for the first time, Eolan felt like he was among people who truly understood him.   Eolan is now in his early forties, with lines of age beginning to show on his face. His eyes carry a softness, a reflection of his dreamer's soul. He carries himself with a gentle confidence that he lacked in his earlier years, his robes filled with vibrant colors symbolizing the psychedelic energies he works with.   He may not be a respected mage of the Berythian Tradition, but Eolan has found a new path in magic, one that suits him much better. Even though he lives in the fringes of magical society, Eolan Fael is content with his lot, and that is more than he could have hoped for in his youth.


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