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POPULATION: 1.4M   CAPITAL: Beharant   CITIES: Chgotartz, Aminteric, Thorath   TOWNS: Churdisic, Alousu, Dadelic, Memout, Mclesca, Hinguitor, Sringuli, Umered   VILLAGES: Mencoppic, Rehospate, Ramsian, Waterchang, Sarava, Uncharma, Vinan, Mammis  
  Habirca, the cornerstone of the Uvan Empire's cultural might, gleams brightly as the bastion of the Empire's ideology in the far south. Proudly bearing the mantle of the Empire's traditions, the territory thrives under the steady guidance of The Weaver of Webs.   Beharant, the glorious capital of Exivi, stands as a testament to the grandeur of the Empire. Here, the threads of Uvan tradition and the vibrancy of Habirca are woven into a glorious tapestry that upholds and propagates the ideology of the Empire. Scholars and bureaucrats alike work diligently to uphold the Empire's tenets, shaping the region's collective consciousness towards the Weaver's vision.   In Chgotartz, the fortress city, the Uvan Empire's resolve is etched into its formidable stone walls. A tangible symbol of the Empire's unyielding tenacity, Chgotartz serves as a reminder of the strength that comes from unity under the Weaver's cause. It serves as a place of learning, where the principles of Uvandar Humanology are imparted to its proud citizens, instilling in them the values of the Empire.   Aminteric is the pulsing heart of Habirca's cultural identity. Here, the Uvan Empire's principles find their most profound expression. Temples dedicated to Uvandar Humanology, grand libraries brimming with texts that chronicle the Empire's history, and academies where scholars teach the Empire's ideology, all serve to reinforce Uvan's influence on the region.   Thorath, the maritime heart of Habirca, boasts the Empire's grandest ports. These ports do not just facilitate trade; they serve as gateways for the influx of Uvan's cultural influence, ensuring a steady stream of Uvan ideology reaching distant shores.   Habirca is not just a territory; it's a testament to the cultural strength of the Uvan Empire. Its citizens, steeped in the Empire's traditions, stand as proof of the Empire's enduring influence. Here, under the ever-watchful gaze of the Weaver, culture isn't just preserved; it's manufactured. Long live the Uvan Empire! Long live the Weaver of Webs!


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