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POPULATION: 1M   CAPITAL: Sievar   CITIES: Pisadita, Veroute   TOWNS: Mumbirmi, Sulabit, Doriatedan, Sarinkis, Duregaug, Paroco   VILLAGES: Slanulk, Chfinah, Fainga, Haun, Scural, Eeratorn  
  Welcome to Immarx, the beating heart of our enduring Uvan Empire. Here lies the foundation of our nation's triumphant future, where our citizens, the sturdy cogs in the machine of progress, pledge their energy to our collective prosperity.   The Progressive Development Centres, the torchbearers of Uvan's unrivalled productivity, pulse with the tireless effort of our people. Here, our citizens voluntarily merge their ambitions with the empire's vision. Their disciplined labour, not frivolous magic, carves out the course of our empire's destiny.   In Immarx, the dedicated toil of dawn to dusk isn’t drudgery but an embodiment of harmony with the natural world. This rhythm of industry is a salute to our allegiance to the natural order. Our domains of industry are broad yet precise, from forging to intricate machinery construction. Each output is a stepping stone in our climb towards self-sufficiency, free from the unreliable lure of magical dependence.   In the spirit of efficiency, the governance in Immarx is as exact as a well-tuned timepiece. The Hand of the Weaver here does not merely reign but operates as a mastermind, directing the ballet of resource allocation, workforce organization, and product dispatch with flawless precision. Every decision serves the cause of our Empire, eliminating waste and bolstering productivity.   Immarx is the epitome of Uvan's purposeful existence. Every citizen, every tool, every task, converges into the grand design of our empire's future. Our nation throbs with synchronicity, each pulse echoing the steady rhythm of progress. Through our collective endeavour, we move closer to our vision of becoming the world's most progressive, advanced, and principled power. Immarx is the embodiment of our future. It is yours to embrace.


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