BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Intent is the foundational force behind all magical practice, the initial spark that transforms thought into Reality within Taharjin's Flame. In magical theory, Intent is more than mere desire or aim; it is the structured, focused Will of the mage that aligns with their Tradition's Object of Focus, creating a bridge between their internal vision and the external world. This alignment requires not only clarity of Purpose, but also a profound attunement to the mage's Address, which frames their Intent in a language intelligible to the magical forces they seek to command, inquire, proclaim, or embody.   Intent is viewed as the key differentiator between raw potential and actualized magic. In this sense, it acts as both the blueprint and fuel of a spell, shaping and directing the energies a mage wields. Without a clear and potent Intent, even the most skilled mage risks spells failing, unraveling, or backfiring, as the magic itself lacks the cohesive direction needed to manifest. This crucial quality is why young practitioners are rigorously trained to hone their Intent, learning to refine their Will to harmonize with the Essence of their Tradition and avoid lapses that could destabilize their spellcasting.   The power of Intent is further underscored by its vulnerability to Thought Contagion and distractions, as any wavering or cross-Tradition influence can weaken a mage’s grasp on their Object of Focus. Thus, Intent stands at the core of magical theory, representing the disciplined resolve that enables a mage to interact with the world’s mystical forces. It is the invisible, unyielding structure that turns vision into Reality and grounds the principles of every Tradition.


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