BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Old Delhizan*

  "...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind..."   Translation: ɳü̋h øīn mèm pùɲ lahɑ̀mè lahnȳ ɳü̋h nǖp ʒɛ̋t mèm kẽ̀ nɑ̀nøíɲ lahlỹ̏   Pronunciation: ɳűh øīn mèm pʊ̀ɲ ˈlahɑ̀mè ˈlahnȳ ɳűh nūp ʒɛ̋tʰ mèm kẽ̀ ˈnɑ̀nøíɲ ˈlahlỹ̏   Old Delhizan word order: and he his hat holding stood and the wind to his wet face turned  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b bʼ c cʰ d dʼ f g gʼ h j k kʰ l l̥ m n p pʰ q r s sʰ t tʰ w x z ɕ ɕʰ ɖ ɖʼ ɟ ɣ ɥ ɮ ɲ ɳ ɹ ɹ̥ ɽ ɽʼ ʂ ʂʰ ʃ ʃʰ ʈ ʈʰ ʋ ʎ ʒ ʒʼ ʔ ʦʰ ʧ ʧʰ/  
Stopp pʰ b bʼt tʰ d dʼʈ ʈʰ ɖ ɖʼcʰ c ɟk kʰ g gʼqʔ
Affricateʦʰʧ ʧʰ
Fricativefs sʰ zʃ ʃʰ ʒ ʒʼʂʰ ʂɕʰ ɕx ɣh
Approximantʋɹ̥ ɹj
Tapɽ ɽʼ
Lateral fricativeɮ
Lateral approximantl l̥ʎ
  Co-articulated phonemes  
  Vowel inventory: /e ẽ ĩ o u y ỹ øi ø̃ ɑ ɔ ɛ ɵ ʊ ʌ/   Diphthongs: øi   Tones: ̋ ̀ ́ ̄ ̏  
Highĩ y ỹu
High-mide ẽ ø̃ɵo
Low-midɛʌ ɔ
  Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: Initial — stress is on the first syllable
Word initial consonants: b, bʼ, d, dʒ, dʒʼ, dʼ, f, g, gʼ, j, k, kʰ, l, m, n, p, pʰ, q, r, s, t, tʃ, tʃʰ, tʰ, x, z, ɖ, ɖʼ, ɣ, ɳ, ɽ, ɽʼ, ʃ, ʈ, ʈʰ, ʋ, ʒ
Mid-word consonants: ff, g, gs, gts, gʃ, gʧ, j, m, mn, ms, mʧ, mʧɮ, n, nx, nʦʰ, r, rs, rsg, rtɮ, rʃ, rʦʰ, rʧʰ, s, sn, sr, ss, stʰ, sɮ, t, tw, tɮ, tʰg, tʰɮ, w, ws, wtʰ, xn, xt, xɮ, ɮs, ɮt, ɮtw, ɮtʰg, ɮtʰtʰ, ɮx, ɮʦʰ, ɮʧ, ɮʧʰɮ, ʃ, ʦʰ, ʦʰs, ʧ, ʧʰs
Word final consonants: c, cʰ, g, h, j, k, kʰ, l, l̥, m, n, p, pʰ, s, t, ts, tsʰ, tɕ, tɕʰ, tʰ, w, ɕ, ɟ, ɥ, ɲ, ɹ, ɹ̥, ʂ, ʈ, ʈʂ, ʈʂʰ, ʈʰ, ʎ, ʔ   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • ɣ → g / #_
  Spelling rules:  
td / !_ʰ


  Main word order: Subject (Prepositional phrase) Object Verb.
"Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary with a key the door opened.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: postpositions  


  Nouns have four cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipeint of something: man gives ball to dog.
  Nouns form plural with separate plural word:
PluralParticle before the noun: mè - mè mēg /mè mēg/ dogs
NominativeSuffix -ém épém /ˈépʰém/ Suffix -ø̃̏n ʈỳshȅɲø̃̏n /ˈʈỳʃȅɲø̃̏n/
AccusativeIf ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -èm épèm /ˈépʰèm/ Suffix -e̋ ʈỳshȅɲe̋ /ˈʈỳʃȅɲe̋/
GenitiveSuffix -èɲ épèɲ /ˈépʰèɲ/ Suffix -ʊ̀ ʈỳshȅɲù /ˈʈỳʃȅɲʊ̀/
DativeIf ends with vowel: Suffix -tsʰ Else: Suffix -ètsʰ épèdsʰ /ˈépʰètsʰ/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -øi̋p ʈỳshȅɲøi̋p /ˈʈỳʃȅɲøi̋p/


Singularnĩ́ /nĩ́/ the ʈøìʈʰ /ʈøìʈʰ/ a
Plural /e̋/ the mū /mʊ̄/ some


1st singularmøi̋ /møi̋/ I kɛ̋n /kɛ̋n/ me ɳøi̋ /ɳøi̋/ mine dè /tè/ to me
2nd singularme̋p /me̋p/ you (masc) e̋p /e̋pʰ/ you mö̋n /mɵ̋n/ yours dshű /tʃʊ̋/ to you
3rd singular mascøīn /øīn/ he, it ʈøȉg /ʈøȉg/ him, it mú /mʊ́/ his, its nøȉ /nøȉ/ to him, at it
3rd singular femmőd /mɔ̋t/ she, it mék /mékʰ/ her, it ēp /ēpʰ/ hers, its nø̃̋ /nø̃̋/ to her, at it
1st plural inclusivetè /tʰè/ we (including you) ʒɛ̀g /ʒɛ̀g/ us (including you) qȅ /qȅ/ ours (including you) ȅg /ȅg/ to us (including you)
1st plural exclusiveʈý /ʈý/ we (excluding you) ɳe̋h /ɳe̋h/ us (excluding you) mü̋ /mű/ ours (excluding you) fĩ̄ /fĩ̄/ to us (excluding you)
2nd pluralqe̋ /qe̋/ you all my̋ /my̋/ you all ɖǘp /ɖúpʰ/ yours (pl) øi̋ /øi̋/ to you all
3rd pluraldshü̋ /tʃű/ they ʈʰē /ʈʰē/ them e̋n /e̋n/ theirs mǜ /mù/ to them

Possessive determiners

1st singularmy̋ /my̋/ my
2nd singulardshǘ /tʃú/ your
3rd singular mascmèm /mèm/ his
3rd singular femlỹ̏m /lỹ̏m/ her
1st plural inclusivemĩ́ /mĩ́/ our (including you)
1st plural exclusivebʼǘ /bʼú/ our (excluding you)
2nd pluraldøi̋m /tøi̋m/ your (pl)
3rd pluralző /ző/ their




1st singularIf ends with vowel: Suffix -tɕʰ Else: Suffix -ùtɕʰ lahmy̋pǜdɕʰ /ˈlahmy̋pùtɕʰ/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -èp lahmy̋pèp /ˈlahmy̋pèp/
2nd singularSuffix -é lahmy̋pé /ˈlahmy̋pé/ Suffix -ɔ̀ lahmy̋pò /ˈlahmy̋pɔ̀/
3rd singularSuffix -øi̋ lahmy̋pøi̋ /ˈlahmy̋pøi̋/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -pʰ Else: Suffix -èpʰ lahmy̋pèp /ˈlahmy̋pèpʰ/
1st plural inclusiveSuffix -ʊ̋ lahmy̋pű /ˈlahmy̋pʊ̋/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -y̋n lahmy̋py̋n /ˈlahmy̋py̋n/
1st plural exclusiveIf ends with vowel: Suffix -t Else: Suffix -ʊ̄t lahmy̋pūd /ˈlahmy̋pʊ̄t/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -e̋p lahmy̋pe̋p /ˈlahmy̋pe̋p/
2nd pluralIf ends with vowel: Suffix -k Else: Suffix -èk lahmy̋pèk /ˈlahmy̋pèk/ Suffix -ø̃̄n lahmy̋pø̃̄n /ˈlahmy̋pø̃̄n/
3rd pluralSuffix -y̏n lahmy̋py̏n /ˈlahmy̋py̏n/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -kʰ Else: Suffix -ēkʰ lahmy̋pēk /ˈlahmy̋pēkʰ/


1st singularSuffix -ét lahmy̋péd /ˈlahmy̋pét/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -g Else: Suffix -ɛ̋g lahmy̋pɛ̋g /ˈlahmy̋pɛ̋g/
2nd singularSuffix -øīn lahmy̋pøīn /ˈlahmy̋pøīn/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -øìn lahmy̋pøìn /ˈlahmy̋pøìn/
3rd singularSuffix -ɛ̄g lahmy̋pɛ̄g /ˈlahmy̋pɛ̄g/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -øíp lahmy̋pøíp /ˈlahmy̋pøíp/
1st plural inclusiveSuffix -ẽ́ lahmy̋pẽ́ /ˈlahmy̋pẽ́/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -pʰ Else: Suffix -ɑ̀pʰ lahmy̋pɑ̀p /ˈlahmy̋pɑ̀pʰ/
1st plural exclusiveIf ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -űm lahmy̋pü̋m /ˈlahmy̋pűm/ Suffix -e̋m lahmy̋pe̋m /ˈlahmy̋pe̋m/
2nd pluralIf ends with vowel: Suffix -l Else: Suffix -ɑ̋l lahmy̋pɑ̋l /ˈlahmy̋pɑ̋l/ Suffix -ēm lahmy̋pēm /ˈlahmy̋pēm/
3rd pluralSuffix -e̋ lahmy̋pe̋ /ˈlahmy̋pe̋/ Suffix -ű lahmy̋pü̋ /ˈlahmy̋pű/

Remote past

1st singularIf ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -e̋n lahmy̋pe̋n /ˈlahmy̋pe̋n/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɲ Else: Suffix -øíɲ lahmy̋pøíɲ /ˈlahmy̋pøíɲ/
2nd singularIf ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ø̃́m lahmy̋pø̃́m /ˈlahmy̋pø̃́m/ Suffix -űʈʂʰ lahmy̋pü̋ʈʂʰ /ˈlahmy̋pűʈʂʰ/
3rd singularSuffix -ȅʈʂ lahmy̋pȅʈʂ /ˈlahmy̋pȅʈʂ/ Suffix -øì lahmy̋pøì /ˈlahmy̋pøì/
1st plural inclusiveSuffix -ỹ̀p lahmy̋pỹ̀p /ˈlahmy̋pỹ̀p/ Suffix -ēt lahmy̋pēd /ˈlahmy̋pēt/
1st plural exclusiveIf ends with vowel: Suffix -tsʰ Else: Suffix -étsʰ lahmy̋pédsʰ /ˈlahmy̋pétsʰ/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -tsʰ Else: Suffix -øítsʰ lahmy̋pøídsʰ /ˈlahmy̋pøítsʰ/
2nd pluralIf ends with vowel: Suffix -p Else: Suffix -ȅp lahmy̋pȅp /ˈlahmy̋pȅp/ Suffix -y̋t lahmy̋py̋d /ˈlahmy̋py̋t/
3rd pluralIf ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ȅm lahmy̋pȅm /ˈlahmy̋pȅm/ Suffix -øȉpʰ lahmy̋pøȉp /ˈlahmy̋pøȉpʰ/


1st singularIf ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -e̋m lahmy̋pe̋m /ˈlahmy̋pe̋m/ Suffix -øíɲ lahmy̋pøíɲ /ˈlahmy̋pøíɲ/
2nd singularIf ends with vowel: Suffix -pʰ Else: Suffix -e̋pʰ lahmy̋pe̋p /ˈlahmy̋pe̋pʰ/ Suffix -ém lahmy̋pém /ˈlahmy̋pém/
3rd singularSuffix -øí lahmy̋pøí /ˈlahmy̋pøí/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʈʰ Else: Suffix -øi̋ʈʰ lahmy̋pøi̋ʈʰ /ˈlahmy̋pøi̋ʈʰ/
1st plural inclusiveSuffix -è lahmy̋pè /ˈlahmy̋pè/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɲ Else: Suffix -e̋ɲ lahmy̋pe̋ɲ /ˈlahmy̋pe̋ɲ/
1st plural exclusiveSuffix -ɵ́ lahmy̋pö́ /ˈlahmy̋pɵ́/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -pʰ Else: Suffix -ẽ́pʰ lahmy̋pẽ́p /ˈlahmy̋pẽ́pʰ/
2nd pluralSuffix -ē lahmy̋pē /ˈlahmy̋pē/ If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɕ Else: Suffix -ɵ̏ɕ lahmy̋pö̏ɕ /ˈlahmy̋pɵ̏ɕ/
3rd pluralSuffix -øī lahmy̋pøī /ˈlahmy̋pøī/ Suffix -ỹ̄p lahmy̋pỹ̄p /ˈlahmy̋pỹ̄p/
  Imperfective aspect   The ‘imperfective’ aspect refers to ongoing actions, such as I am learning and habitual actions, such as I learn (something new every day).   Old Delhizan uses an affix for imperfective:  
ImperfectiveIf ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -e̋m lahmy̋pe̋m /ˈlahmy̋pe̋m/ learns/is learning


  Old Delhizan has a base-10 number system:   1 - køi̋
2 - y̋ds
3 - kő
4 - ɳē
5 - pé
6 - mẽ̏
7 - déɲ
8 - ɳȅɲ
9 - ø̃̏
10 - ny̏
11 - ny̏ ɳü̋h køi̋ “ten and one”
100 - køi̋ ʈʰøi̋n “one hundred”
101 - køi̋ ʈʰøi̋n ɳü̋h køi̋ “one hundred and one”
200 - y̋ds ʈʰøi̋n
1000 - køi̋ øicū “one thousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Suffix -ʌ́cʰ
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Suffix -ɔ̋
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ēm
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -øīn
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Suffix -őɲ
Noun to verb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʔ Else: Suffix -ʊ́ʔ
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Suffix -ű
Tending to = If ends with vowel: Suffix -pʰ Else: Suffix -ỹ̀pʰ
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Suffix -èn
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Suffix -ø̃̋
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ɑ̋m
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -pʰ Else: Suffix -ẽ̀pʰ
Diminutive = Suffix -ʊ̀ɲ
Augmentative = If ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -ȕn


4447 Words.


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