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Order of the Razor

The widespread devastation of The Plague Years (1212-1112) placed new and heavy demands upon the The Council of Landezon to increase the martial strength of the Three Orders of the north against The Exiled Tradition and its foul magics. To do so, they used the knowledge of magical healing which their Exiled brethren had shared with them during the Southern Crusades and fashioned a soldier better able to withstand the effects of The Wrack, and therefore better qualified to penetrate into Exiled-controlled territories than even their arcane masters were. These juggernauts of might and magic were dubbed Razors, and collectively form the Order of the Razor.  
by midjourney
  When a child's Gift is determined to lean towards Exiled magic, a Razor's training begins. Potentials learn to use the natural healing their Gifts impart, but at a cost: the dark twists in Exiled spells are grafted deep into their bones, with a variety of cursed effects akin to lower level symptoms of The Wrack. Ongoing pain is common. Training a Razor is highly dangerous due to the need to keep their power "open" until it matures. In this state, Razors can heal anyone, and thus can communicate the infection found in all magical healing. At the end of the training cycle when one swears the Last Oath, a magical seal is placed upon the power, limiting its efficient range to the Razor's person. Despite this, the general population view Razors as figures of dread...a fact working most often to their advantage.   In addition to healing skill, a Razor gains intensive combat experience and is put through rigorous physical ordeals beyond those undertaken by any (sane) knight, the sole goal of which is to weaponize Razors against the Exiled threat. Accordingly, Razors emerge with single-minded, black-and-white focus on their enemy, but while this trait serves their purposes on the battlefield, it often blinds them to more nuanced realities of the human condition. Their senses are highly attuned to the pull of dark magic, and Razors can detect Exiled-leaning Gifts with proficiency on par with that of the Masters. Such tuning, however - or so it is feared - makes them especially vulnerable to the Exiled call. And so, while Razors are an indispensable part of the Council's arsenal, they are also kept under very close watch - or, some say, a short leash. They are often found within either the ranks of the The Black Mercies - a wing of the Council whose job it is to track down forbidden magical documents and deal with those involved in their dissemination - or those of The Flown Sparrows, emissaries of the Council tasked with foreign missions in distant lands.   Finally, due to the fact of their Gift, Razors are also capable of learning a small selection of magical spells and may study whichever Domains are offered by their Tradition. Most Razors are Berythian-trained and therefore come to know Elemental magic best, but both Nurhetic and Aurimbic Traditions produce martial casters after a similar fashion.  

5E D&D: Retooling the Paladin Class

  The Paladin Class in 5E D&D is used to create Razor characters. Their powers derive from arcane sources rather than Divine ones and all descriptors of this class shift accordingly, i.e. "Divine Smite" becomes "Arcane Smite".   Razors are born with an Exiled-leaning Gift of magic which accounts for their Lay on Hands ability, though due to the immorality inherent in healing others, they are limited to healing themselves. Razors are not taught how to tap into ambient magical fields due to concerns about their vulnerability to Exiled influences, and therefore do not gain the benefits other mages receive from Magic Zones. (Although most Razors view the nature of their Gift as dangerous, not all accept the restrictions placed on their abilities with equal grace.) Each spell a Razor casts carries a cost of 1 Magic Point per spell level, plus 1 Point for each higher level spell slot used to cast a spell. Lay on Hands is an exception to this rule, and can be cast as outlined in the PHB, but without need of physical touch given its range of Self.   As with mages, Razors suffer The Wrack when their Magic Score dips below the percentages outlined per Magic Zone. However, due to how their healing gifts work, they gain passive bonuses to their experience of the condition. At 1st Level, they experience one symptom stage lower than normal, reduced by a further stage at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level. So for instance, a 20th Level Razor with a Magic Score of 12 in the Winter Yield could cast up to 5 points of spells without experiencing the Wrack's deadly effects at all. While 5 points worth of spells may not seem to amount to much, it provides a considerable edge over foes lacking compensatory Techniques. The Divine Health ability Paladins gain at 3rd level works against normal diseases, but does not cover casting sicknesses such as the Wrack.   When acquiring the class ability to cast spells at 2nd level, Razors gain spell lists based on the major Tradition they trained under, rather than from the Paladin list. Thus a Razor might be able to cast the Fireball Spell, or Major Image. See 5E Spell Groupings by Tradition for a potential list of selections.   All Sacred Oath paths are open to Razors.


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