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Os Vildun, Duke of Castamomera

Os Vildun, son of Dasu Vildun, Duke of Castamomera, began his life full of wild energy and ambition. Known for his unruly and impetuous nature, Os sought to tame the world around him: His early education at the Ascended Academy in Holorefi was marked by a notorious prank that nearly got him expelled, saved only by his father’s substantial donation to the school. This incident epitomized this future Duke's youthful recklessness, as surely as it underscored the considerable influence and resources of the Vildun family.   As Os entered his twenties, finally he began to show signs of wisdom and maturity. However, his arranged marriage to Dinha Vamir, a noblewoman from Andarco, drastically altered his trajectory. Though the Vildun family had been aware of Dinha's pre-existing mental instability, they needed the alliance with Andarco to secure their economic and political future. Os's father, still the Duke at the time, commanded him to uphold the marriage despite personal costs. Dinha’s paranoid temperment led to bouts of intense jealousy, creating a volatile household; frequently, she accused Os of infidelity, especially when he left the manor for extended periods on business errands. Her constant accusations caused emotional strain that saw Os ultimately regress into spiteful gambling and womanizing, fueling Dinha's anxieties that much more. Despite this, they managed to have three children together: two daughters, Loma and Keshe, and a son, Zsomik.   Zsomik's untimely passing at 8 months of age bereaved both members of the couple greatly,especially Os who, in addition to his deep sensitivity and sense of personal loss carried the practical burden of having lost his only viable heir. The tug-of-war between he and Dinha continued and intensified, culminating in a incendiary scandal during a grand event hosted by the Vilduns, where Dinha publicly accused him in front of their esteemed guests not only of infidelity but of killing their son. The Vilduns would find themselves putting out this particular fire for years thereafter.   At the wedding party of Yedfel Craum Duke of Augulaspes, Os first encountered Quilar Vildun, daughter of the noble house of Moirali, stewards of the city of Nurum Taevil - a vibrant personality, known for her philanthropy and love of the arts, in addition to being a remarkable beauty. Quilar’s warmth, intelligence, and shared love for the arts offered Os a glimpse of the partnership he longed for. The scandal and continuous conflicts with Dinha made it clear that the marriage was untenable, and Os chose to end the union, seeking a fresh start with Quilar. The divorce was a public affair, but one marking the beginning of a new chapter for Os. His marriage to Quilar would not only bring him personal happiness, but also solidify his vision for a culturally rich and artistically vibrant Castamomera.  

by midjourney

Above: Quilar Moirali-Vildun
  If Os were to have one minor regret for choosing Quilar, it would be that Yedfel Craum - his boastful nature famous across Draksineon - thereafter claimed responsibility for Os’s current happiness, asserting often and loudly that his introduction of the two was the turning point in Os’s life.   Marrying Quilar introduced new political challenges: Nurum Taevil, her home city, is the historical rival to Nurum Vos, and the complex interplay of cultural and economic competition between them is severe, especially when factoring in intervention by The Castlemoons, the mob synonymous with the latter settlement. Emerging issues came frequently to demand Quilar's attention, whether in an official capacity or simply as they tugged at the heartstrings, and during the first wedded years she was often found abroad, visiting family in Galori. These pressures, and the fact that Os held Quilar to be first and foremost the true love of his life rather than the vessel for an heir, resulted in a lack of children between the pair, posing a present problem for the Duchy. It is widely understood that Hustal, Os' eldest brother, will inherit the title of Duke upon his passing.   Until this time comes, Os and Quilar spend their days touring the sunswept Duchy to ameliorate the lives of its citizens, and sitting on their palatial terrace overlooking Lake Qadreas, wine in hand, contemplating the timeless beauty of the sea.

Character Portrait image: by midjourney


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