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The Hourglass

"Only violence speaks the language of eternal balance."
— Khajuro
  The Hourglass stands as a relic of profound significance within the annals of magical literature. Though no original works of the enigmatic Master, Khajuro, have survived the passage of time, this tome has garnered legendary status as the most circulated collection of his teachings. Revered by members of his devoted cult, The Hex, this particular work stands out for its relentless invective, directly targeting The Council of Landezon with a focused and sustained attack rarely found in Khajuro's repertoire.   Dating back at least 2000 years, the book's origins align with the period in which Khajuro himself walked the earthly plane. It gained notoriety centuries later when the Council encountered The Circle of Tyril during The Southern Crusades (1685-1500), becoming aware of the provocative ideas housed within its pages. These ideas, primary among which a notion of the universe and Time as living, and inherently vengeful and destructive things, played a momentous role in shaping the Council's subsequent decisions, particularly regarding the banishment of individuals wielding the Exiled gift to the southern hemisphere.   The contents of The Hourglass possess implications of such magnitude that they were deemed dangerously unbalancing by the Council. The book challenges the Council's core beliefs in the eternal nature of the universe, painting a vivid picture of a reality fundamentally at odds with their entrenched doctrines. Its relentless critique of the Council's political machinations, along with the revelation of the mortal aspect of the universe and the inherent violence underlying creation, struck at the heart of their authority and worldview.   Such was the perceived threat posed by this radical text that all known copies were swiftly banned. Yet, despite their efforts to suppress its circulation, The Hourglass remains one of the most sought-after works of the Master. Various groups - even those outside the ranks of the Hex, including the enigmatic Servants of Darkness who possess more wealth than wisdom - would pay exorbitant sums to possess this coveted treasure.   Intrigue and fascination surround The Hourglass, as seekers of truth and those hungry for forbidden knowledge yearn to uncover its secrets. Its potential to disrupt established power structures and challenge conventional wisdom ensures its status as a tantalizing enigma, forever out of reach yet exerting an enduring influence on the realms of magic and philosophy.  

Passage from The Hourglass: Folio VII, page xii

  In the hallowed pages of this tome, I, Khajuro, dare to unveil the glaring truth that the ignorant imbeciles of the Council of Landezon obstinately choose to ignore. Their feeble minds, akin to ostriches burying their heads in the sand, prefer the comfort of convenient fictions rather than facing the undeniable reality that neither the universe nor individuals are eternal. No, indeed, nothing is eternal in this vast cosmic tapestry.   The Council, those masterful purveyors of deceit, cast their true spell upon the unsuspecting masses. They weave a web of illusions, promoting the fallacious notion of eternal existence. These comforting lies serve their political agendas and ensure easier control over the population, who cease to contemplate the true nature of Time, instead opting to relax and passively engage in their mundane lives.   They turn a blind eye to the violence that underlies the very fabric of creation, a violence that resonates throughout the realms of Nature. The evidence is abound, for one needs only to observe the animals, those creatures untouched by the shackles of human folly. Animals, driven by instinct, kill for survival and sustenance. They understand the intrinsic connection between life and death, the natural order of things. Man, on the other hand, surpasses all creatures in his capacity for indiscriminate and purposeless killing.   But let us not recoil in horror at this revelation. No, let us embrace this nature that lies within us, for it is a reflection of the very essence of the universe itself. Become like the universe, my fellow seekers of truth, and realize your true destiny. Shed the illusions of distinction, the boundaries that confine your perception. Embrace the magical understanding that the universe is not distant and cold, but rather warm-blooded and living.   Within this understanding, the mage need not account for the artificial dichotomies of inside and outside, this or that. All is part of a single continuum, an interconnected tapestry yearning for its own end. The universe, in its self-awareness, seeks to reclaim the fleeting moments of Time, for it realizes its own mortality. It is within this grand realization that true power lies, where the boundaries of possibility are shattered, and the mage becomes one with the ceaseless flow of cosmic forces.   Let the fools of the Council wallow in their ignorance, their eyes tightly shut to the inherent violence that underscores creation. We, the seekers of truth, shall embrace this revelation. We shall wield our magic with unparalleled insight, dancing upon the fragile threads of existence, and unraveling the mysteries of Time itself. The Hourglass reveals to us the ultimate truth, and in its profound wisdom, it beckons us to ascend to new realms of understanding and unlock the untapped potential that lies within us all.


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