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The Nons

The Nons are a unique communal group of individuals all possessing the Gift of Magic. Their core belief is that this Gift is a divine test of discipline and restraint. They hold that the Gift, with its wish-fulfilling properties, can lead to sloth and self-indulgence. Thus, they strive to avoid using it entirely. Their philosophy emphasizes the importance of resisting temptation and maintaining discipline to prove themselves worthy of the Kingdom Beyond.   Their belief system is strictly based on the Ascended faith, but contains specific teleological and eschatological views that anticipate a significant future conflict where their restraint will be tested, which are not part of mainstream Congregation doctrine.   The Nons live in communes to support each other in this rigorous discipline, believing that isolation from common people prevents the potential corruption of others by their Gift. They view their magic as a sin they must atone for by refraining from its use, positioning themselves as the most tempted but also the most rewarded in the spiritual journey.   They believe they are on their last incarnation and must navigate a pivotal time of war and decision without succumbing to the temptation of using their powers, even to save loved ones. Their choice to live in high Magic Zones amplifies the challenge, as the presence of strong magical energies makes the temptation harder to resist. In contrast, southern regions where magic use is painful provide an easier environment to avoid using the Gift.   The Nons are under close scrutiny by The Council of Landezon, with some members suspecting the group's philosophy might be part of a southern plot to suppress magic use. Despite these suspicions, the Nons maintain a heroic and virtuous image, dedicated to their belief in resisting magical temptation for a higher spiritual reward.


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