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Théw Kodimane

by midjourney
  Théw Kodimane's tale begins in a bustling city of Achighter, a testament to his cosmopolitan leanings. His last name references the capital city of Msna, where he is from. Younger brother to the prominent trader, Mungkrékáɦ, Théw carries on the family business in the heart of Ceweren above all due to his uncanny knack for language: His linguistic prowess encompasses Rikaad, Draksi,Iakali, and Hezdel – the primary languages of Arlok, Draksineon, Arlos and Del . Some jest that he has Speaker blood, an allusion to the famed polyglot race.   While Mung orchestrates the rhythm of trade in Msna, Théw is on the verge of a significant business expansion that could see their goods reaching the far-off lands of Delhiza, on the reasonably newly established Trail of Clouds. City life suits Théw's ambition and his ability to form strategic relationships. He is an effective networker and has charmed his way into the circles of nobles and mages alike, using his language skills to win trust and favour.   Théw's personal life is just as rich as his professional one. As an openly gay man, he navigates the occasionally discriminatory social terrain of Achighter with courage and grace, buoyed by the robust local queer community. Back in his Opatu home, his sexuality would be celebrated, but in the big city, he meets the occasional prejudice with resilience.   One of Théw's most treasured connections is his lover, Toi̯hkirt, an Aurimbic mage from the chilly nation of Chalornok. Gifted with the ability to glimpse the future, Toi̯hkirt lives under the binding rule forbidding Seers from using their gift for personal gain. Yet, Théw, forever the ambitious dreamer, nudges Toi̯hkirt to consider bending this rule – a dangerous prospect, but one that could make them both unimaginably wealthy.   While Théw respects his brother’s dedication to their home community, he holds a secret ambition: to one day trade his trader's life for the glitz and glamour of the high-class world he so frequently mingles with. It's an aspiration he would never voice aloud, but it whispers incessantly in the back of his mind, pushing him to aspire for more, to reach for a future that sparkles with the promise of wealth and prestige.


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