Bearbreeds on Noria

Out of the many animals that were domesticated over the eons on the Norian continent, perhaps the most famous ones are the bears. The large, slightly more solitary cousins of the dog have become a symbol of one specific sapient species in general, but also see limited use in other cultures/species.  

Who would be insane enough to attempt taming a gods damned bear?

  The short answer is: the dwarves would! More specifically and more elaborately, the first steps were undertaken by the First Dwarf Generation in particular. Their specific physiology as well as their (theoretically) unending lifespans allowed the high civilisations the First Dwarves built on Noria, to achieve this particular goal. Their stony flesh and rock-hard skin allowed them to interact with the original wild bear species of Noria without much risk for harm, which also allowed them to tap into the very limited social structures found in wild bears. Over the years they achieved something incredible: With the exception of the worldshakers, the BruĂ­n, they were able to tame several species of bear, including the ferocious Norian Cave Bear, brown bears as well as black bears. From these original species, the dwarves could begin breeding the subsequent generations, allowing them to fully domesticate the various species.  

What types of Bearbreeds are there?

  Ultimately, Norian breeds of bear can be distinguished into two main categories, Bears of Old and Bears of New. The distinction is drawn by the time at which the breed emerged and arrived in the shape known today. Bears of Old are still very similar to the types of bear breeds the First Dwarven Generation would employ, while Bears of New only emerged after the extinction of the First Dwarves, and once the Second Dwarf Generation was borne into the world. These new dwarves had to adapt old bear breeds to suit new fields of application, but most importantly reduce their aggressiveness, as the Second Dwarves lacked the innate defenses First Dwarves were created with and had to be more careful when dealing with the bears.  

What distinguishes Bears of Old and Bears of New?

  Bears of Old are generally closer in phenology to the original wild species, which still can be found in the wild. More often than not, Bears of Old are more aggressive, territorial and larger in size than their newer counterparts, both because the First Dwarves could withstand more dangerous traits than their successors, and because they generally used bears for more active tasks as well. Bears of Old often fulfilled roles of guardians, both to livestock and homes, rarely also as beasts of war, and to detect intruders from afar. To the First Dwarves, bears were meant to remain close to their original purpose, and once they went extinct, their bear breeds had to survive in the wilderness on their own for quite a while until the Second Generation could pick up the breeding programs again.   On the other hand, Bears of New are more specialized and often are bred away from their original molds. They are usually less aggressive and more social, and depending on their intended purpose vary wildly in size. Some Bears of New include breeds made for hunting, making use of the bears excellent sense of smell, and in the most recent developments, as pets. The ability to support a bear breed simply for their companionship and appearance has become a status symbol among certain dwarves, who seek to display their wealth and power in new ways.

Cover image: Wild meadow (via Midjourney)


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