The elves have a mouth that resembles an insects, just jaws of carapace, and no nose, instead having two antenna above the barely pronounced eyebrows.
In general, I have noticed two presenting sexes which can be assigned to male and female that mammals have, but occasionally I meet a third type, which looks like neither and feels strange to behold. Another mystery and I could only speculate on them, so I shan't.
Once more I can only speculate on these beings but there are some glimpses I am able to gain. The fact that they have insect like features and that I often meet many at the same time suggests a complex social structure, similar to ants. Nonetheless I have yet to meet what would be a queen.
The ant-elves often seem somber in our conversations over the hot drinks I often share with these dream creatures and more than once they seem to allude to the fact that they are dead. I don't know what to make of this.
I would expect them to live in hivelike structures with high levels of collectivism and cooperation for the wellbeing of the hive. They seem very self-sacrificial at times.
Finally I have noticed a strange effect. Occasionally they are able to influence me. I know it is not magic, because I have years of experience fighting against mind magic. Maybe it is a pheromone?
The last time i wrote down my dreams, they stopped happening. Hopefully this works again, these antlike elves creep me out.— TMB, Lord Founder.
Again, I can only speculate on weaknesses. In general I would expect them to rely heavily on numbers advantages, but you still should not underestimate individuals.
Additionally, the carapace mainly works as protection, but does not cover the whole body. I would expect an endo skeleton below their flesh, because the carapace would not be enough to give structure to their body to stay upright.
If we follow the ant analogy,
Do not engage them in proximity to their hive! If they are anything like ants you will not win this fight unless you have an army of your own.
Try to end the fight quickly and before they have time to call for reinforcements.
The fact that they have more arms than you could be to your disadvantage, because they can use more weapons or use a shield to more effect.
That being said, maybe they cannot operate multiple weapons simultaneously. Observe them before engaging, if you can.
Good luck and keep the blades honored,
These dreams pose more and more mysteries for me. I keep having these elves as guests and offering them comfort. Now some of them tell me that they are recently deceased. I wonder what is going on with this. Hopefully I will get more answers in the future.— TMB, Lord Founder.