Freiran Character in Tai'Sans Hearth | World Anvil


Lady of Moons Freiran (a.k.a. The Fey One)

Freiran is the tenth child of Tai'San and Rinushka, a Prince of the Dawn.   She is the closest thing the Inner world has to a sovereign ruler.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Freiran, more than any of her siblings, has a truly otherworldly appearance. Her shiny ink skin contrasts strongly from her glowing eyes and bony hair.

Body Features

Freirans skinny impossibly tall stature is imposing in of itself. Combined with her aforementioned appearance, she intimidates all but the most courageous. Her fingers end in long grey nails, which double as weapons.

Facial Features

Freirans face is the most human part of her anatomy. Apart from the strange colour, her features are almost too normal. Her ears are short and stout with almost no point.

Special abilities

Freiran can open paths from anywhere in the world to the fey realms of the Inner World. The passages are always hidden well in places of nature.   Like all other Princes of the Dawn, Freiran can sustain a Meld, which she does for any of her children within the fey realms.

Apparel & Accessories

Freiran wear white wool dresses over her black skin. The wool is finely woven and shows imagery of the two moons of the world, symbolising Freirans loyalty to her parents.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Freiran was born a man, but early on struggled with her gender. On her twelfth birthday, her father Tai'San remade her body to better reflect Freirans gender identity. Since then she is known as a woman.

Gender Identity

Freiran is a woman, despite not being born one and not precisely falling under the more common definition of one. Early on in her life, Freiran realised that gender to her is more of a spectrum than a binary category and that she sees herself on the opposite end that she was born on.


Freiran is homosexual and in a relationship with Aolfis, although the two rarely get a chance to see each other. Freiran and her fey court are the only beings who are not restricted by Aolfis isolation of Aolfian.   Like all Princes of the Dawn, Freiran is content with her sexuality. It does not occur to them that you might not be.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Freirans birth was a turning point for the development of the Inner World. Her involvement and influence on the Inner World were essential into shaping it into the magical and wondrous place it is now.   Although she is not de jure in charge of it, her influence on the workings of the Inner World are unmatched and her longevity ensures that none have left a mark of quite the same dimensions.

Morality & Philosophy

Freiran cowrote the Law of the Fey and is in charge of enforcing it. The whimsical nature of the fey world means that her motivations and opinions will sometimes appear random and chaotic to outsiders, but there is an inherent order to her judgements.

Personality Characteristics


Freirans motives are a mystery to all but herself. She evidently has an agenda in the endeavors she undertakes in the Inner World, but whatever she is building towards is hidden well.


Family Ties

Sibling to the other Princes of the Dawn, daughter to Tai'San and Rinushka.


Cool, detached facade, hiding an amicable friend. Clearly enjoys delegating tasks and duties to those on her court.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Holding a fey court
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
De-facto sovereign of the Inner Worlds.
Date of Birth
1st of Freiran
Year of Birth
45367 BTO 546664 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Under the light of the two moons.
The Hearth
Pure white, without pupils
Snow white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ink black
2 m
80 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Welcome, strangers. I do hope you know how to behave yourselves. We just finished cleaning the last ones who didn't off the walls"

Cover image: Wild meadow (via Midjourney)


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