
Master of Knowledge Thiora (a.k.a. The Artifice)

Thiora is the ninth child of Tai'San and Rinushka, a Prince of the Dawn. Her domain is that of knowledge, and more specifically magical knowledge.   She and her few children are masters of Artifice, the art of imbuing magic into the world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thiora is not a physically imposing person. She is most notably one of the few people, who owns a pair of glasses.

Body Features

Thiora, unlike other elves or proto-elves, looks like she is in what humans consider her middle ages, despite not really aging at all. Her body is in relatively good shape, but is showing the first signs of aging, such as tiny grooves and wrinkles.

Facial Features

Thioras face is not as youthful as you might expect, with creases from oft furrowed brows and traces of grey in the otherwise brown short hair. Only Thioras blue and green eyes peering out behind thick glasses are as young as ever.   Her ears are long and move when she is in deep thought or wants to concentrate on a particular direction.

Identifying Characteristics

Thiora is most recognisable by the glasses she wears on her nose.

Special abilities

Like all Princes of the Dawn, Thiora has the ability to sustain a Meld, but instead uses her power for a different purpose. She can, at her disposal, open her vast knowledge to her descendents, temporarily or permanently teaching them fields of knowledge or specifics in a heartbeat.

Apparel & Accessories

Wherever she goes, Thiora carries a bag with seemingly endless different sized pockets with her at all times. She wears practically cut linen in muted colours of green with accents of orange and red.

Specialized Equipment

Thiora has too many oddities to mention them all here. Instead, a full article for these can be found under: Thioras Inventions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since her childhood, curiosity has led Thiora to places that no one in their right mind would think of venturing. She occasionally enjoys the company of Keorin, but detests physical exercise, using magic to avoid it at any chance. Thiora remains one of the few beings that Tai'San allows free passage from his realm to the places beyond.


Thiora is heterosexual but biromantic, which in the past has created some tensions in her love life. Because of her inquisitive and daring research trips, long lasting relationships have only ever seemed to work with those that share her interests and are willing to travel far and wide.


Thiora was not taught much in the terms of magic, because she is older than most magical knowledge, predating it by milennia. Instead she has been at the forefront of researchin the area since the beginning.

Failures & Embarrassments

Thiora played a crucial role in the razing of the elder mages in 57911 ATO, a role she deeply regrets. Learn here how she tries to atone for it.
Thiora had previously been a revered guest in many of the high kingdoms of the magocracy. Her intel was what eventually alerted Tai'San to the situation, although she did not intend for the genocidal erasure that followed. When she, years later found the truth about the Warlocks and Witches, the true descendents of the elder mages, she chose to hide their presence from her father. In her mind, it is in no way enough to atone for her part in the razing, but it is a start.

Intellectual Characteristics

Thiora is one of the most classically intelligent beings in existence. Her knowledge and the ability to rapidly access her vast memory and link cause and effect make her the most dangerous being in terms of magical potential, just behind her own father.

Morality & Philosophy

To Thiora, knowledge as a higher goal justifies even some of the more dark means along the way. She is willing to actively supress her conscience if it means that truly new knowledge can be gained.

Personality Characteristics


Thiora seeks to understand all and to unravel all mysteries available to her. Everything she can now, she wants to know.


Family Ties

Sibling to the other Princes of the Dawn, daughter to Tai'Sam amd Rinushka.


Often a quiet observer, unless actively involved in the conversation. When explaining, Thiora has the tendency to drift into a lecturing tone, which some consider condescending.
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Resting after a long day of research
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Thiora
Year of Birth
45379 BTO 546676 Years old
The Hearth
Bluegreen, elvish
Short, graying brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skin
1.6 m
55 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Have you come to trade knowledge? A secret for a secret?"

Cover image: Wild meadow (via Midjourney)


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