When Tai'San made the Bruín


"Uuuggh, just kill me, alright?"

"That bad huh? Told you the last barrel of grog had gone bad..."

"Nah, it tasted alright when I drank it. You seem do be ok, anyways. How are you feeling?"

"Like Tai'San when he made the Bruín."

"That bad huh? At least you look better than I'm feeling"
— two orcs after a night of copious libations
  Like in the example above, one of or perhaps the most popular saying found in almost all orcish tribes on Noria is some variation of the following:  

I'm feeling like Tai'San on the day he made the Bruín

  To explain it, let's answer the most important questions:  

Who was Tai'San?

  Tai'San, is the creator god of all to the Orcs. In the ancient days before creation, Tai'San ripped apart space and time, and made a new world from the Nothing that was before. This world he made for and populated for the Orcs, who are his (metaphorical) children and for whom he made all the things in the world to master and enjoy.   While Tai'San did have help with the creation of the world in orcish mythology, the creation of all things is the work of Tai'San to them. Orcish dream and divine beings may have helped, but ultimately the intent and design of all originates from the God himself. Which brings us to the nightmare, that are the Bruín.  

What are the Bruín?

  Bruín, also known as the worldshaker bears are the greatest bane to life the north of Noria knows. The bears are massive, weighing up to 3 tonnes in females and 9 in males. The giant beasts primarily hunt and feed on Mammoth and Whales, but are not so picky if other easy foods are available, which unfortunately also includes humans and orcs, which inhabit the north. Indeed Bruín are the main limit to how far north sapient species choose to settle, the icy wastes to the far north being known as the Bear Wastes.  

How do you use the saying?

  With the knowledge of who Tai'San is and what Bruín are, the meaning of the saying can be deciphered. If Tai'San is the creator of all, and deliberated over his creation to any extent, then he must have had a very bad day indeed when he chose to create the Bruín. This is the primary meaning of the saying. You are of such ill temper in the moment, that you can almost imagine how Tai'San must have felt when he made the Bruín.   Alternatively, the saying is sometimes also used to describe feeling poorly, and every so often young orcish generations use the saying inversely, indicating that they are of a great mood and wish to achieve something truly awe-inspiring.

Cover image: Wild meadow (via Midjourney)


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