
Show me one problem that a 20 foot sphere of fire doesn't solve and I'll show you something that wasn't an emergency
— Isolde Tremaris
  Evocationists will tell you their chosen magic is the simplest to understand- it is the fine art of turning the dial up. This is an incredible oversimplification but the essence of it is true, Evocation takes what already exists and enhancing it to fit the need of the moment. This force has no concern for the long term and no interest in creation. Evocation is a destroyer, the fundamental force of shattering, and hand by which the cosmos clears the way.   The Destroyer Force, as it is commonly known, ripples beneath reality bucking any attempt to be shaped into something lasting. It seeks only to burn, to shatter, to crush, or freeze. Coded within the nature of this force destruction and any who call upon must take great care to properly shape it for rarely is Evocation cautious in what it claims. The Fireball burns friend or foe. The Thunderclap can shake apart any who are close enough to feel it. Prismatic Spray holds a myriad of terrible fates for all who are caught in its wake. And, Meteor Swarm is the doom of whole cities, not single deserving targets. Some powerful practitioners can use Destruction Weave to strangle certain spells, binding them tightly till the needed moment such as with Contingency or Delayed Blast Fireball. Some can even sculpt force into protective Tiny Huts or imprisoning Force Cages.   Evocation is generally the first kind of spell new users learn. The drive to defend one's self or to topple an enemy is often the motivation for many to learn magic. The appeal of a burst of fire, a ray of frost, or a garrote of electricity is very easy to see. However; it's limitations quickly become clear. This is likely why no culture has embraced the use of Evocation as a core part of their identity. In fact, the only place where Evocation is most prominently used is in Lockland. Their pyrophants use it gleefully in their pogroms against non-humans. It is the most common magic taught to the enslaved battle magicians that Locklanders deploy in battle.   Worth noting though is that Evocation is viewed so poorly by all beings, just most. Elementals of all kind see Red Dross as a source of comfort and safety. They are often composed entirely of the Destroyer Force and to them it is life. They flock to it, cherish it, and seek to spread it when possible. Above all else the wish to return to it. This is why elementals have no fear of death, they know their kind belongs to the elements and to the Destroyer Force they will return and be birthed anew. The only leverage one might have in dealing with such creatures is the threat of eternal separation.


Evocationists make little use of complicated rites or esoteric formulae. Instead, their spells are wrought with primal screams, bursts of emotion turned into force, and seething rage. For some this may mean turning towards hatred to focus their shaping of these spells and Evocation responds well to it. The more raw and unfiltered the emotions fueling the shaping of the spell, the more potent it often is. Thus, it's easy to see why those seeking vengeance or fueled by hate are so quick to embrace this type of magic

Components and tools

Generally, some small manifestation of an element or a collection of ingredients known to manifest the element. Tinder, oil, flammable fuels, and such are all commonplace when calling on Destruction Energy to appear in the form of fire. Water or ice are common for freezing spells. Feathers or loose leaves are typically used when shaping this force into wind or storms.

Also Known As

  • Destroyer Force
  • Destruction Energy
  • Sundering Weave
  • Red Dross
Important Locations


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