
Muldrak was founded at roughly the same time as Ghal Pelor itself and in those early days it acted as a buffer fortress against elven expansion and threats from the north. As relations in Tairos normalized the military nature of Muldrak shifted to commerce. It became a popular waystation and trading post for those continuing their journey to either Ghal Pelor or the elven peasant lands.   Muldrak became notable during the Queen's War as being the last bastion of dwarven resistance to the fae invasion outside of the Ghal Anhkar Mountains. Muldrak became the launching point for numerous attacks into fae-held territory and including the final assault on the Autumn Queen's Castle in what is now The Scar.   After the war and the effects of the Queen's Rebuke fully set in the power and popularity of Muldrak began to wane. It became logistically impossible for the dwarves of Ghal Ankhar to continue to supply and support Muldrak. Many of the dwarven citizens here would eventually abandon the city to return to their homelands in the mountains for set out for new opportunities in Ghal Pelor.   As the population dwindled Muldrak would more frequently fall prey to bandits, mercenary raiders and the roaming horrors that were starting to populate Tairos after the Rebuke. By modern times only a few hundred dwarves and other various races were believed to inhabit the crumbling ruins of the once great city.   Contact between Muldrak and its nearest neighbor became more and more infrequent as the need for trade between the two vanished. Rumors and hearsay became the only source of news regarding the city and such sources are always seen as unreliable at best.   These rumors spoke of food shortages and desperate fighting for the scraps that remained as floods destroyed the last of the crop fields. Many travelers have said they passed near the ruins shortly after the flood and saw signs of torture and cannibalism. Others say they witnessed strange chanting and religious services to unknown powers conducted in the dead of night. Stories of a spreading plague or curse are common as well. These stories say the flood brought with it a curse or infection that warped many of citizens of Muldrak into monsters.   Whatever the rumors may have one believe the truth of the matter is clear. Six years ago diplomats from Ghal Pelor ventured to Muldrak in the hopes of getting the last inhabitants of the ruined city to return with them and help grow the local forge and construction industries. They found the city completely empty, no sign of life. They note that most parts of the city are flooded now and many of the buildings have sunk into the earth due the lack of upkeep and the heavy nature of dwarven architecture. Nothing salvageable was found and no evidence was left behind to suggest where the last citizens of Muldrak went to.   Explorers, researchers and treasure hunters have made careers off of venturing to the ruins. There is believed to be an abundance of dwarven artifacts and art still remaining. Merchants in Ghal Pelor would pay handsomely to get any of the functioning furnaces from the dwarven refineries in Muldrak as well. However, in recent months these intrepid individuals have gone missing within the ruin at increasing frequencies. So much so that no notable contracts for a mission to Muldrak have been taken up in almost a year.


None now. Was previously over 80% dwarven with the remainder being human and halfling.


For most of its existence, Muldrak was run by Reeves and clan elders who represented the home interests back in Ghal Ankhar. In the years leading up to the full abandonment of the city it is unknown how they governed themselves. If, at all.


Muldrak did have large functional stone walls when it was operational. Because of the rainy nature of the area and proximity to Lake Tairos the walls required a sophisticated plumbing system to keep them stable. Visitors who pass near the ruins today state that very little of the walls are fully intact. Most have sunk into the swampy land or toppled over.

Industry & Trade

None currently. Prior to the Queen's War Muldrak operated as a military outpost supported by Ghal Ankhar. After the war populations began to dwindle. Armor and weapon crafting as well as ore refining supported the declining populations for a time.


Muldrak was known for having ore refineries and workshops of outstanding quality. It also sat upon a considerable deposit of precious metals used for armor crafting.

Guilds and Factions

None currently. Prior to vanishing of the last survivors dwarven clans, factions and politics dominated much of life in Muldrak.


Traditional Dwarven architecture that made use of some gnomish pumping systems to keep waters away.


West of Lake Tairos

Natural Resources

Natural ore deposits, access to the lake, quality farming lands
Muldrak 1
muldrak 2

six years ago

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