
Fun fact, there's not much of a difference between you and a chair. Wanna see?
— Quosire Havenhollow ending an unpleasant debate with a rival wizard about the strength of Transmutation magic
  Transmutation is mastery over the fundamental structures that make up matter. The scientific-minded may call these building blocks atoms and molecules while the magically-minded refer to prima materia or first matter. Even the name for this school of magic can vary - Transmuting Force, Metal Magic, Copper Dross, and Fabrication Weave. Transmutation is viewed as a code of sorts that can cause existing matter to revert into first matter and then shift into a new configuration. Known spells such as Fabricate, Polymorph, and Disintegrate showcase this ability most clearly. The first two demonstrate the reshaping most clearly, while Disintegrate shows the transformation of something into first matter only.   Some scholars of the arcane believe Transmutation was the first magic force or fundamental energy to rise into being though that may simply be the vanity of transmuters showing through. While most believe all the forces came into being at the same time, it is seems to be true that the force of Transmutation is editing algorithm of the cosmos. Through it, changes can be made to reality in stable long-lasting ways. Compare this to the ethereal creations of Illusion or strange imaginations of Conjuration and it becomes clear to see why Transmutation is reliable choice.   In Tairos, there are many nations and cultures with close ties to Transmutation. The mountain holds of Ghal Ankhar would not have been possible without the stone-shaping power of Transmutation. While they're loath to actually use spells bring items into being, they are more then willing to use this force to create entirely new forges from bones of the earth. The Gnomes of Carda made extensive use of the Transmuting Force to create new bits and baubles for their machines. The Gnomish Airships would not have been possible with Transmutation to help create the special ballast fluids that kept them afloat. It is also worth mentioning that Clankers owe much of their existence gnomish study of Transmutation. Their central core where all their thoughts and personality reside is created using intricate old gnomish Transmutation techniques.   There are... darker practitioners of Transmutation as well. Ryland has an obsession with machinery and perfecting flesh for the task at hand. It's very common there to see Transmutation used to bridge living beings with mechanical augmentation. This magic is also employed in the forging of great machines designed to harvest timber or scythe down enemies. Equally grim adherents can be found in the below the surface of Tairos in the Bitter Depths and the city of Sha'Hidun. There, the Jhitaxis (Innoculators in The Common Tongue ) warp flesh with their own cherished brand of Transmutation. Its said that many objects and art pieces within Sha'Hidun can scream, remembering fully a time when they were people.


Many manifestations of Transmutation come with shifting fractal visualizations, bright displays of color, and collapsing or unfolding matter. As with all magic, mortal minds often require tools to enhance their belief and thus control over the force they're tapping into. In the case of Transmuters that often takes the form of objects that reflect the orderly and enduring nature of this force. For some that might be mechanical tools, diamonds, glass, or metallic wands. Others might rely formula or equations to focus their belief. The Inoculators of Sha'Hidun prefer their syringes, gases, sewing needles, and flesh-sculptures.

Also Known As

  • Transmuting Force
  • Metal Magic
  • Fabrication Weave
  • Copper Dross
Metaphysical, Arcane


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