Dragonblood in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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The dragonblood of Exandria are a people of unknown origin, and countless myths surround their ancestral creation. One particularly pervasive tale states that dragonblood were created by the Scaled Tyrant and the Platinum Dragon during the Calamity, serving as loyal soldiers who eventually earned their freedom. Regardless of how they came into being, though, the dragonblood lived for many centuries in relative isolation in the southern wastes of Xhorhas, on the continent of Wildemount.   Today, dragonblood live all over Exandria, though they remain a scarcer sight in Tal’Dorei than in Wildemount. Their spread across the world was hastened by the assault against the free peoples of Exandria by the Chroma Conclave. During that conflict, the ancient white dragon known as Vorugal the Frigid Doom destroyed the magical city-state of Draconia, the ancestral homeland of most dragonblood.   The destruction of Draconia and the loss of many of its people was a tragedy. But to roughly half the dragonblood of Exandria, it also marked the end of an oppressive regime. Dragonblood of Exandria can either be born with a tail or without. In Draconia, those with tails were called draconians or draconbloods, for they were seen as closer in form and power to true dragons. Those without tails were given the name of ravenites and enslaved. Their blood and toil built the mighty towers of Draconia, yet the ravenites enjoyed none of their city’s splendor.   In Tal’Dorei, it’s apparent that any differences between the ravenites and the draconians have nothing to do with bloodline or draconic power. Those differences are cultural, and rooted in a past whose conflicts still haven’t been resolved. The oppression that existed in Draconia remains largely unknown within Tal’Dorei to this day, and outside of major cities such as Emon, dragonblood can go for months, even years, without seeing another of their kind.

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