Elemental Ancestry in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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Elemental Ancestry

Exandria’s lands are rife with elemental power. Primordial energy constantly flows into the world from elemental rifts, and such primal power inevitably alters its surroundings. This is also true of peoples who spend long years in proximity to such sources of power, and of those who travel the planes long enough to find the seed of elemental power take root within their blood. Such folk are the beginning of an elemental ancestry, harboring the potential to give birth to children who are suffused with latent magic.
  Children of an elemental ancestry bear the features of their parents’ ancestry, but have clearly become something new. Their appearance is altered by their power, granting them skin that shines like the sun on the surface of the sea, hair that crackles like flame, or eyes that glitter like gemstones. Then comes the manifestation of elemental powers, which can make a child the envy of their peers—or someone to be feared.
  While people of elemental ancestry are rare in Tal’Dorei, they are most common among the Ashari due to the elemental affinity of that folk. Some possessed of elemental power enjoy the attention their uniqueness garners them. But for others, even the most benign interest draws painful attention to their otherness.

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