Goblinkin in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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Goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears are three distinct races with a united past. They live across Tal’Dorei, most often in isolated communities, though many people in the realm have become used to the sight of goblin children playing catch in the street, hobgoblin mercenaries hanging around job boards, and bugbear apothecaries running shops in the hills.
  The origin of the goblinkin is shrouded in myth and legend, but it’s generally accepted that these peoples were created by the Strife Emperor during the Calamity to be his perfect soldiers. The few records of that time hint that the goblinkin were once a single folk called the dranassar, a humanoid people of golden skin and green, violet, or yellow eyes who lived in eastern Wildemount. They dwelled in great numbers in the city of Ghor Dranas, which came to be the seat of the Betrayer Gods’ power in the Calamity.
  For centuries, goblinkin were viewed as monsters by most other people of Tal’Dorei—particularly explorers and adventurers who regularly invaded and destroyed goblinkin settlements. But this ugly sentiment has undergone a radical shift in the past generation, during which countless goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears have fought alongside the other folk of Tal’Dorei in defense of their homeland against the Chroma Conclave and other threats. Today, goblinkin are a welcome sight in Tal’Dorei’s cities, and those folk who nurture old hostilities are invariably taken to task by the people around them.

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