Golden Grin in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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Golden Grin


  The Golden Grin (or simply “the Grin”) exists to enlighten and inspire, keeping ears and eyes out for the murmurs of tyranny and cruelty. The Grin’s core philosophy is that each and every person is capable of great things alone, and even greater things together. Rather than taking direct action themselves, most Grinners use songs and tales of great heroes to galvanize people to action.  


  The Golden Grin claims no formal allies, nor do members reveal their secret affiliation to outsiders unless circumstances are dire indeed. They use their covert, grassroots power to empower local freedom fighters and activists. Some Grinners do occasionally find their way into government, granting them a higher vantage point and platform to disseminate the ideals behind their cause—but even these members of the Grin take a dim view of the slowly turning gears of bureaucracy.   Enemies of the Golden Grin are those that oppress and abuse freedom of expression and living. The Grin likewise mistrusts people and institutions that control or regulate the populace too heavily, even if they seem to have the best of intentions.

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