Houses of Kraghammer in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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Houses of Kraghammer


  Each ruling house has a specialty and holds responsibility over that domain within Kraghammer. House Greyspine maintains the largest mine under Kraghammer, as well as the Pools of Solace. House Zuurthom trains the chief architects of the city, and most masonry and building is organized through them. House Bronzegrip funds the smithing guilds and maintains the Bronzegrip Metalworks, Kraghammer’s largest blast furnace and ore refinery. House Thunderbrand prides itself on training Kraghammer’s foremost scholars and premiere arcanists. House Glorendar maintains the law and delivers punishment.  


  Almost every dwarf living in Kraghammer can remember a time when, “Kraghammer for the dwarves!” was a common cheer at the pubs. And when they said, “for the dwarves,” they meant just the dwarves born in Kraghammer. Times have changed. The prevailing opinion is that a unified Tal’Dorei is best for all. Those dwarves whose traditionalism is just a veil for bigotry have found that they aren’t welcome in Kraghammer—they’ve subsequently retreated to make their own isolated enclaves in the Cliffkeeps.   The Houses of Kraghammer facilitate a healthy trade of metals, weapons, and armor with Emon and Westruun. These bonds of commerce and communication have only grown stronger since an ambassador from Kraghammer has taken a seat on the Tal’Dorei Council.   Many members of House Thunderbrand also have ties to the Arcana Pansophical. However, lesser clans with aspirations of supplanting the renowned Thunderbrands have thrown their lot in with the League of Miracles, hoping to become the new masters of the arcane. They have been wooed by to this upstart faction with promises of disrupting the old ways of commerce and prestige, establishing something new.

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