League of Miracles in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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League of Miracles


  The League of Miracles is comprised mostly of mercenary magi pulled from all corners of Tal’Dorei, with some even coming from abroad as news of the league’s reputation spreads across Exandria. For most of these arcanists, their goal is simple: to make money. The goals of the league’s spellwrights are more elaborate. They listen for the cryptic words of the mysterious Grand Thaumaturge and dedicate themselves to deciphering and enacting their grand design. The spellwrights’ current aim is one of total control—once all of Tal’Dorei’s social and political elite are in their pockets, they can shape the land as they see fit, all to the cheering adoration of the fawning people of Tal’Dorei.  


  The League of Miracles tries to keep cordial, if distant, relationships with every major power on Tal’Dorei. Their public image is shiny and unimpeachable. Many members of the Tal’Dorei Council are already in their pocket and cast votes that further the league’s self-interest. The Arcana Pansophical—especially Allura Vysoren, who also sits on the council—are deeply distrustful of this unregulated, uncommonly powerful organization.   The League of Miracles has a tense relationship with the Chamber of Whitestone, as they have long sought access to the residuum unique to that territory. The spellwrights fear outright hostility with the legendary heroes of Vox Machina, and have supposedly abandoned their quest to mine Whitestone’s naturally occurring residuum.   As “no questions asked” employers of mages, the league is in the good graces of many less scrupulous arcane factions, including the Remnants. Necromancers, blood mages, Ruidus cultists, and other unsavory magi now exist under the league’s protection.

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