Library of the Cobalt Soul in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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Library of the Cobalt Soul


  The public mission statement of the Cobalt Soul is to archive knowledge for the betterment of all peoples of Exandria. The secret mission of the Cobalt Soul is to use their accumulated knowledge to root out tyranny and ensure the freedom of all people.   As instructed by their reclusive god, the Knowing Mentor, the Cobalt Soul in Tal’Dorei makes their archives available to everyone, so that knowledge can be used to improve and enrich the lives of all. Despite this, the curators of the Cobalt Reserve privately determine what knowledge is too volatile to be freely disseminated. Typically, this privileged information is magical in nature, but it also includes secrets recovered by expositors that must be strategically employed as a weapon against unjust leaders, cults, and power-hungry factions.   The Cobalt Soul itself is not immune to corruption and complacency. Nowhere is this truer than in the Cobalt Soul’s birthplace of Wildemount, where it must work hand-in-hand with the authoritarian Dwendalian Empire. Its highest officials say that the Cobalt Soul has outlasted every tyrant on Exandria, and that they must be content with small acts of insurrection—subtly subverting propaganda and sharing the truth with any who will listen—while waiting for the right moment to strike a fatal blow. Nevertheless, this mantra of patience has caused some of its more radical members to abandon the order entirely. Typically, deserters of the Cobalt Soul are expositors, who see the ugliest side of the world firsthand again and again.  


  The Cobalt Soul is an international organization with archives in the Dwendalian Empire and Clovis Concord of Wildemount, the Republic of Tal’Dorei, the Dawn City of Vasselheim on Issylra, and the great city of Ank’Harel on Marquet. Each of these archives acts independently under the orders of their commanding High Curator, though they must ultimately answer to the joint leadership of the Cobalt Soul: the High Curators of the Rexxentrum and Vasselheim archives.   Though Tal’Dorei is a freer society than the Dwendalian Empire, the Cobalt Soul knows better than to think that means it is free of corruption. From the Cobalt Reserve, their archive in the city of Westruun, the Cobalt Soul keeps close tabs on members of the Tal’Dorei Council, the leaders of Syngorn and Kraghammer, and other powerful individuals across the land.   The Cobalt Soul actively opposes the Remnants—followers of the Whispered One, a tyrannical god of secrets who is diametrically opposed to the goals of the Knowing Mentor. They are also concerned by the meteoric rise of a guild of arcanists called the League of Miracles, whose political maneuverings have made puppets of dozens of delegates to the Tal’Dorei Council and political leaders across the land. This worry has only deepened as rumors reach them of the league filling their ranks with Remnant cultists who seek to dominate Tal’Dorei.

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