Player One Pager in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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Player One Pager

Welcome to Tal’Dorei.   It has been 100 years since Vox Machina’s heroics saved Tal’Dorei and Exandria from a certain doom. Since then, there has been everlasting peace on the continent and many places in Tal’Dorei prospered. However, one by one those who had been with Vox Machina and the group themselves began to fade from the world in the next generation. Now with their victories a distant memory, the world shifted towards the natural state of things. Conflict.   Whispers and rumors travel through every corner of Tal’Dorei. The Council of Tal’Dorei is losing its grasp on the continent. Cultists are rising, bandits and raiders are becoming bolder, and talks of revolutionary war dot the far reaches of the continent.   You are seven(?), 3rd-level adventurers. Some of you may know each other, others you may not. What you do know is that you are currently in the capital city of Tal’Dorei, Emon, the City of Fellowship.   This new Council of Tal’Dorei is trying its best to keep the peace but they are stretched too thin. But nothing eases tensions like a grand festival where people from all over are invited to partake in the luxuries the capital has to offer.   Through your travels to Emon, there have been whispers about a special artifact that is going to be revealed to the public. No one knows exactly what it is, but the rumors fly that it is a source of great power that will aid Tal’Dorei in the future.   You are probably a human. You may call Emon home, but your people are spread out to every corner of Exandria.   You might be a dwarf. You’ve lived an isolated life in the city of Kraghammer nestled in the Cliffkeep Mountains. Or you are one of many dwarves who venture outside of their ancestral home seeking what the rest of Tal’Dorei has to offer.   You could be an elf. The home of your ancestors is Syngorn and the Verdant Expanse, but many types of elves dot the landscape of Tal’Dorei.   You could be a dragonblood. Your ancestry is shrouded in myth and legend. Not many of your kind exist and you may go months, even years without seeing your kind.   You could be a halfling. Tal’Dorei is the birthplace of your people and the stories about how they appeared number in the thousands.   No matter who you are, there are those in Tal’Dorei who are born with an elemental bloodline. You might have skin that shines like the sun on the surface of the sea, hair that crackles like flame, or eyes that glitter like gemstones. This bloodline is granted by the elemental powers that flow over the lands of Exandria. Everyone who has elemental ancestry only obtains true mastery of a singular element. However, it is believed there are those who can utilize all four elements of the Ashari. But these are seen as wild unsubstantiated rumors.

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