The Clasp in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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The Clasp


  While most common folk assume that the Clasp is merely interested in profit at any cost (and that is a merit of the Clasp), they also wish to preserve the function and prosperity of civilization. It is commonly held that a thriving city is a profitable one, and an enemy of civilization is a foe of the Clasp. They largely consider themselves a necessary dark underbelly, willing to do the under-the-table deeds that more wealthy and powerful citizens cannot commit with their own hands. On the other hand, less scrupulous Spirelings also understand that discontent breeds profit, and have occasionally kindled the flames of unrest to keep things tense and profitable.   Were it not for the branch of the Clasp in Emon, the Chroma Conclave’s attack would likely have destroyed the city’s culture entirely. However, thanks to the Clasp’s role as a “shadow civilization,” the people of Emon were able to maintain their foothold at home, even under the watchful eye of Thordak the Cinder King.  


  Many generations ago, the Clasp was considered by most to be an uncouth cesspool of cutthroats and criminals. These days, thousands of people know the Clasp as the roguish heroes who saved lives from the Chroma Conclave a long time ago. Nowhere is this truer than in Emon, where its Spirelings make public appearances and even, on occasion, deal openly with the Tal’Dorei Council. Nevertheless, Clasp agents outside of Emon keep their wits about them, for most local governments still view them as underhanded scoundrels—and not without reason. Most guards and town militias will arrest known Clasp members on sight; however, most Clasp members know well enough to have a friend on the force that will help them escape.   The Clasp frowns upon dogmatic religion or cultish behavior, as it has conflicted with the organization’s business in the past, and always ended messily.   Since the arrival of the Myriad within Tal’Dorei from Wildemount, the Clasp has been on extremely high alert, seeking information on them and any means of banishing this competition. Gang warfare had broken out sporadically between the Clasp and the Myriad in cities from Stilben to Emon in the past. These small skirmishes eventually ignited into a full-scale war between the two groups which was dubbed The War of the Dishonest by the people of Tal'Dorei. The war lasted for 8 long years and only ended after The Night of a Thousand Knives in which both groups sustained significant losses all across Tal'Dorei on a single night. As the sun rose, both groups had lost 20% of their respective forces. The leaders decided to end the bloodshed and began to rebuild. Though the rival organizations are currently at peace and have rebuilt themselves to their pre-war strength, everyone knows the whole thing is just one poached client away from reigniting.

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