The Moonweaver in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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The Moonweaver

The Moonweaver is the god of moonlight and the autumn season, as well as the patron of illusion and misdirection. Widely worshipped in halfling and elven culture, she is also considered to be the deity of love, shielding the trysts of lovers in shadows of her own making. Those who work in darkness and trickery often ask for her blessing.   Depiction. Depictions of the Moonweaver are as numerous as the myths and stories of her meddling within simple unions. However, she is most often painted as a young girl of light-blue skin and white hair, with a body and limbs that dissolve into silky strands of silver moonlight, caressing and creating the edges of the shadows.   Divine Domains. Many of the Moonweaver’s clerics are granted powers of Arcana, Moon (see chapter 4), or Twilight.   Holy Day. The Moonweaver has no holy day, but is celebrated by most elves on the night of the decade’s largest full moon. Elven astronomers track the moon’s phases and how it grows closer and farther to Exandria, and can predict these days with great accuracy. Many high and haughty elves use this festival as an excuse to be sly and mischievous; some younger elves use costumes and illusions to prank their peers. The wyvern-riding skyswimmers of Lyrengorn, however, venerate the Moonweaver in their own way: with the annual arrival of the Moonweaver’s Ribbons, a majestic aurora that illuminates the skies above the Elvenpeaks.   Commandments of the Moonweaver  
  • Seize your own destiny and pursue your own passions.
  • Let the shadows protect you from the burning light of fanaticism and the absolute darkness of despair.
  • Walk unbridled and untethered, forging new memories and experiences.

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