The Myriad in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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The Myriad


  The Myriad seeks wealth in hideous excess. The means are unimportant, as long as they’re lucrative. No trade is too abhorrent, from bloody theft to kidnapping and slavery. And though they lack the political capital to bribe and puppeteer politicians the way they did in Wildemount, the Myriad are confident that they can get even the supposedly noble Tal’Dorei Council in their pocket.   Most fronts for the Myriad are businesses that publicly deal in antiquities and exotic textiles. Behind these masks is a ruthlessly efficient black market of slaves, magical beasts, weapons, and illicit substances. Overt violence tends to draw unwanted attention, and the Myriad avoid it when possible, preferring to discredit, blackmail, or frame those who cross them. Should that fail, however, kidnapping or assassination can be a quick and traceless final alternative.  


  Though they are relative newcomers to the criminal underworld of Tal’Dorei, the Myriad is well-versed in the covert art of making money by any means necessary. The Clasp is well aware of their presence in the broadest sense, and the two thieves’ guilds have spilled blood in the streets of every city in Tal’Dorei at some point in the past during The War of the Dishonest. These days, the bloodshed has subsided into a cold war of espionage and counterespionage, as each organization tries to sabotage the other.   The Myriad has only been routed from cities a number of times—they no longer have any presence in Whitestone or Syngorn—and each time, it has been by a concentrated citizens’ uprising. In both instances, when they sought the source, Myriad leaders were furious to discover an empty safe house containing only a single gold coin, marked by a grinning face: the calling card of the Golden Grin. Even across the Lucidian Ocean, the old enmity between the Myriad and the Golden Grin remains today.

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