The Remnants in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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The Remnants


  The Whispered One achieved an incomplete victory over twenty years ago, and now his cult is building a new generation of faithful to make his megalomaniacal dreams a reality. The cult’s leadership believes that reuniting these malign artifacts will give them greater power to commune with their god and let them begin their quest in earnest to reach him through the Divine Gate. This leadership is known as the Circle of the Dismembered. Each cult leader in the circle commands a branch of the cult, named for a part of the Whispered One’s body. These factions are:   The Unveiled Sight. Members of this cult are tasked with scouring the planes for arcane lore that could restore their master to the Material Plane.   The Mordant Voice. Members of this cult serve their master by infiltrating other factions across Tal’Dorei and subverting their purposes with subtle propaganda.   The Devouring Blood. Members of this cult specialize in the art of silent death. They train in stealth and necromancy to become truly horrific assassins.   The Unseen Touch. Members of this cult are trained in magic that corrupts the mind and perverts the will, making them vile puppet-masters that prepare the world for their god’s return.   The Insatiable Heart. Members of this cult do the vital ground-level work of seeking out new blood. They are trained to exploit the emotional weaknesses of their targets to convert them to the cult, without the need of magic.  


  The Remnants remain largely unknown, even after their master’s grand ascension, and wish to keep it that way. Those who are aware of their presence are either cult members or people who have uncovered their insidious existence and wish to stamp it out wherever it may appear. Thus, there are rarely any alliances made by or with the Remnants.

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