The Ruiner in Tal'Dorei (Personalized) | World Anvil
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The Ruiner

The Ruiner commands roving hordes of barbaric marauders across the lands to destroy, pillage, and slaughter for the joy of it. Orderless and without honor, the creeds of the evil lord goad all living creatures to shrug off the oppressive chains of courtesy and civilization and to devour the world around them, giving in to the chaotic and selfish nature of the predator.   As civilization rises, people of all cultures feel the draw of the uncomplicated, primeval world. Some find their way to the loving embrace of the Wildmother and her sects, going on to live in harmony with nature. Others fall into the cruel thrall of the Ruiner and his bloody cults of slaughter. In Tal’Dorei, the worst of these cults are the Ravagers, the scourge of the Dividing Plains.   Depiction. Simple clay representations in communities of the Ruiner’s followers show him as a hulking, bulbous behemoth of an orc. His missing eye has shifted, the prominent remaining eye now centered in his face like that of a nightmarish cyclops.   Divine Domains. Many of the Ruiner’s clerics are granted powers of Death, Tempest, or War.   Enemies. The Arch Heart shot out the Ruiner’s right eye during the Calamity, and the god of slaughter longs for the day he can return the favor twofold. Likewise, the Ruiner is a dark mirror of the Wildmother, and his hatred for her kindness is surpassed only by his lust for vengeance against the Arch Heart.   Commandments of the Ruiner  
  • Ruin. Ravage. Kill.
  • The weak exist to be crushed by the strong. Be the strong.
  • There are no emotions but fury and joy. The rest are weakness.

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