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Salazar Samira - Sebak

King Salazar Samira-Sebak (a.k.a. Necrotic)


King Salazar Samira-Seback is one of the key personas in the Empire's side. Although not havng sworn fealty under Nicol Bolas, they have a strong alliance and are something more than just acquaintances.

Salazar Samira-Sebak is a strong wizard that delved deep into the arcane arts and even conducts experiments of his own. He is particularly invested in necromancy and grafting, the act of stitching together body parts and raising them as undead, something that he himself invented. Salazar, despite not being undead, regularly replaces parts of him with new, using this technique

Like many a people of importance, he was once part of the Trinity, probably the place and time where he and the Emperor grew rather close.

He condcucted most of his research on his ship, a Spelljammer. Few of his experiments were on Akasha Umbrallys, an act that lead to her soul's fracture and others were to create mutated warriors called Bloodhunters. One other experiment was to artificially create Vampires.


Most of his history remains a secret, but one thing's for certrain, young Salazar was always captivated by the fair and beautiful. He was the third son of his house, thus would never sit the throne and so he became an artist and a sculptor, having all the time in the world. Its only natural that someone like him got drawn to the fey and one of them, Erietta, became his muse and maybe even more.

But things would not turn as excpected. Salazar would find himself on the throne after the deaths of his brothers but his struggles only increased. He grew sick with a curious disease, one that stems from the abyss and his body slowly turned to sand. And so, Salazar made the art of grafting, replacing parts of him so that he could live a little longer. But they also turned to sand and he knew that once this reached his heart, death would take him. Unless he used a heart immortal. Salazar killed the Erietta and took her heart for himself.

Queen of the Summer court Titania, who was deeply pained by this act, as she loved both the fey and knew Salazar from the time he was just a little artist, tried to salvage whatever good and innocent, whatever emotion was left of him and so she made these things form into a Steppen Wolf, a Wolf that forever resides near Erietta's grave in melancholy.


Salazar's skin consists of various patches of skin that he has sewn together to keep himself as a whole. He regularly changes those parts as they quickly turn bad. His appearance is a rather horrifying one.


He was first encounteredby Thorismund Sandhousen, Glacious and Kappamund Kipporath on his ship, where they quickly realised they can't even harm him. ( i know very little of this encounter im sorry)

For a while, most of Salazar's appearances where through mentions and memories of others. Thorismund learned that Salazar was the one who kept the queen of Annahera (name?) locked up in a horrendous state and also learned what experiments and horrors he inflicted upon Akasha when she spoke to him in his mind. The party also saw, very clearly in Thorismund's memories in the dungeon beneath Holt, Salazar during the Fall of Feathers giving orders and holding Anastrella, the ultimate scrying ball. At the end of the Dungeon they also encountered Daniel who was the most sucessful experiment of Salazar in the department of Vampirism.

A long while after the party was joined by a student of Salazar, Najjar, and so their meetings became more usual. The party went and spoke with him and attempted to secure a deal of equal gain, the party would conduct research and get access to Trinity Bases and update him on these afairs and he would provide them help in their journey.

Ailwyn, who saw how vile Salazar was, not only disagreed, but later even tried to change Najjar's perception towards Salazar. Him and Ailwyn run into each other in the House of Shadows. There, Ailwyn felt pity and empathy for Salazar and hugged him, a little while after finding Erietta's grave.

Joined by Crawley, these three uncovered Salazar's role in Nicol Bolas' scheme and quickly devised a plan. Crawley managed to contact Hermanerya in the past using a piece of Henelux, (wpuld insert piecve name but i forgor) and directed her wrath towards him, completely obliterating his Spelljammer, his research and his tools and even taking Anastrella from his hands. He attacked the party and released a poisonous(?) gas in Dorn Thurim but Hermanerya swiftly came and drove him away.

After he collected his thoughts, he wished to speak to the party again.

Side Appearances:

Salazar was the one who experimented on Farron Alqualira to turn him into a Bloodhunter, the First Bloodhunter, something that was more easily done with him due to his heritage. This act created extreme fear and paranoia in Farron, leading him down a darker path.

Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stitched patches of various tones


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