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The Spark

The "Spark" is a term used to describe a condition of a soul in which the profound power within manifests in some shape or form through the soul's vessel. Celestials, Deities, Demons and other such creatures able to behold a soul, perceive this condition as a phenomenon akin to flickers of elecricity emanating from that soul, hence its name. This phenomenon is also visible when beholding the soul via different means, such as the "Soul Cage" spell or witnessing the owner of a spark during "Astral Projection" in which case the sparks emanate from the owner's astral form.  

The Spark in Relation to Divinity

The Spark is commonly considered to be a prerequisite for ascension as it is existent in the souls of all true Deities. However the spark in itself is not that big a factor and it is not uncommon for mortals to develop it at random, without deliberate effort. That being said, the intensity of the Spark and nature of it, differ significantly from one person to another. Deities, in contrast to mortals, have fully developed sparks which manifest as Symbols of Power.  

The Nature of the Spark

Physical Properties
The sparks emanating from a creature's soul start of as minor flickers of electricity and slowly build up to a discernible shape or form. Once fully developed, the sparks take the form of a Symbol of Power that appears as rune of light carved unto the soul itself. For a creature unable to witness another creature's soul, a spark is only perceivable by its expression in the material realm, thus, minor sparks can go entirely unnoticed for they may never manifest in a meaningful way. There's a few exceptions to that rule, as some minor sparks might acquire a partially physical form which serves for their development. A painter might have their spark manifest as a semi-ethereal brush, while a devout paladin might have their spark manifest as a pendant or rosary. Usually, such material manifestations and their purpose are convoluted, at best, and only serve to confuse their bearers.  
Development and Enhancement
The Spark, as mentioned above, is a part of the soul and a phenomenon associated with it rather than a seperate entity. Its intensity is relative to the soul's potency and serves as a signifier of its overall stability, focus and strength. There's many ways to enhance a spark or create the phenomenon from scratch. For some creatures rigorous training might do the trick while others might dedicate themselves to the perfection of a craft. There's no definitive manner in which the spark develops or grows, as the process and level of difficulty difffers for everyone; to properly develop a potent spark a creature must focus on unveiling the true workings of their soul, studying and/or practicing the arts and crafts better suited to their nature and striving to achieve personal perfection and individuation. As expected, the development of the spark is primarily a spiritual journey, and if successful, it more often than not, ends in the manifestation of a personalized symbol of power. Once a spark reaches that point, the bearer gains access to divine powers and can tap into their soul to Manifest Divinity.  

Expressions of the Spark

The Spark frequently expresses itself as enhancement of one's abilities. It may bolster a warrior's strength and vitality, provide a spellcaster with unnatural aptitude for magic, or cause an average mortal to develop magical prowess as is the case with sorcerers. Sometimes the spark expresses itself as a newfound ability, a semi-ethereal item with special properties (which is always an extension of the bearer's soul and is, as such, always magically bound to him), or it manifests as a fully fledged symbol of power; sparks that belong to the latter category are naturally much more potent and obvious. Most mortals cannot properly comprehend the nature of the spark and thus cannot manifest fully fledged divine powers. Even the few ones who can manifest some sort of divinity, cannot exploit their powers to the maximum. In fact, neither can deities, but their control over their sparks and Symbols of Power far surpasses both human limits and understanding.
Text, Philosophical


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