
With the rise of the Black Tide, the once great city of Amsterdam was lost to the toxic waste that came in from the North Sea. With the filthy sludge came disease as the infrastructure broke down and could not keep up with the flood waters. Sewage backed up, fuel stores and lines ruptured adding to the foul conditions. Then came a plethora of social problems and criminal elements entered the remains of the city to set up shop.   The residents, the Amsterdammers fled, looking for a clean safe place on higher ground to live. A difficult dilemma with millions of refugees seeking shelter. Sadly for the Amsterdammers not all of the surrounding communities were as open minded and liberally accepting of others as Amsterdam was. Many of the metahumans of Amsterdam went to the new countries and states that represented their metatypes.   The government of the dispersed many Amsterdammers to other cities and pleaded with neighboring countries to take in citizens if they could. By and large most people were scattered throughout The Netherlands and did their best to over come the new situation they found themselves in. Others became the first residents of the new corporate arcologies.   In particular those of the artist community were the most fortunate as they were invited to create new towns and villages within the lands owned by the Noble Schimmelpenninck family. The Schimmelpennincks concerning themselves with rescuing and saving the artworks of the various museums of Amsterdam.   The artist community of Amsterdam can now be found residing in the housing estates of the Schimmelpenninck family restoring artworks, creating reproductions for the fine art markets as well as producing new works of art of all formats. Of notable interest is the new furniture designs which incorporate the latest simulated texture technologies. It is said that your favorite old chair can be reconditioned and reupholstered with what designers are calling the Avalon technique by which no matter how poorly you might feel, you will always find a comforting and soothing sensation of anything you desire to have the designers program.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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